peavey 2x15 replacement speakers

  1. CarmenWilliams

    Peavey 215D-BW vs buying Black Widow Speakers

    I have a regular Peavey 215 (non black widow version) and I absolutely love the cab. Unfortunately when I push it with distortion and what not, it can't handle it. So should I change out the speakers for Black Widows? OR Find a BW 215? Or the Deep version? I'm worried the construction of my...
  2. mattbass6945

    2x15 Speaker replacement

    Just acquired an old, beat up Peavey 2x15 cab. One functional mystery speaker and one clapped out, bunk speaker. I figured my best bet would be to just replace both and start over. This is the old, vertical silver metal strips down the side 1980s (?) cabinet. It has horizontal ports and isn't...