
  1. NoiseNinja

    Where do you prefer to pluck the strings?

    So I realize this will probably vary from bass to bass, from pickup to pickup, as well as weather you use fingers or a pick to pluck the strings, how you otherwise have your tone dialed in, and also some parts/songs will call for a different tone that require of you to pluck elsewhere, but I am...
  2. NoiseNinja

    How do you prefer to pick your bass? (pick, fingers e.t.c)

    So I thought it would be interesting with poll on how people prefer to pick their bass, that is sound and feel wise, disregarding what the music they play might call for, as in an ideal world where one picking technique could do it all. Personally I prefer to play with a relatively flexible...
  3. NoiseNinja

    Your preferred action and relief/action and relief on your main bass?

    I realize this forum sees quite as lot of string action related posts, but doing a search I couldn't find any with this specific angle on the subject, so I dare start yet another action themed thread, as I am curious about other people's preferences when it comes to this. So, do you happen to...