
  1. B

    Best strategy to finger the major scale across the whole neck?

    I am looking for a ergonomic and standard fingering that tells me, how to trasition between the different positions of the major scale on the neck with a efficient fingerings. What do I mean by strategically wise? There are certain ways to transition from one position of the major scale to...
  2. nickpc

    Back to bassics - how to make scales/arpeggios fun?

    I'm in a rut with my playing, which means it's time to get back to bassics and hit those scales and arpeggios with the metronome. Well, running scales and arpeggios with a metronome (or a simple drum machine) is a little boring, which is why I tend to move right into playing songs, which then...
  3. C

    Bass scales

    Anybody know of a comprehensive (and I mean comprehensive :) book all about scales for bass guitar. Not the actual scales, but specifically on how to use them? Having difficulty getting my head around all the different scales and how to apply them to creating bass lines Questions like: 1. Can...
  4. Slipper

    Double Bass Problem with chord in "Autumn Leaves"

    Hi everyone, I am following the walking bass lessons from a youtube channel that provide music sheet as supplementary material. The music sheet is here: Simple Walking Bass Line For Jazz Beginners The chords used in the first line are the following: Cm7 (C, D#, G, A#) F7 (F, A, C, D#) Bb maj...
  5. Papageno

    Double Bass Yin Yang scale

    Here is some food for theory nerds. Can a same scale be used to imply both minor (Yin) and major (Yang) sound (same notes, same tonal center) ? That may sound like a paradox. Now consider the scale consisting of those intervals: WHHHHHWHHH. It's a decatonic (10-notes) scale you obtain by...
  6. shashank das

    Double Bass Learning the bass fingerboard (middle & thumb position and intonation)

    Hey guys, i was wondering if there are any comprehensive studies to really efficiently learn the fingerboard, i have been practicing my scales and arpeggios buti think i need some new ways to look at the fingerboard, i also struggle with intonation in general and the middle and upper register.
  7. B

    A simple question:

    Which scales go over which chords? Lets say the backing chord is C major: - the C major scale - all modes of the C mayor scale, which are build of the exact same notes like the C major scale. Including Aeolian, the relative minor. So far so good.. Do I have to keep "switching scales" with...
  8. animelody

    Double Bass Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics

    hi everyone!Ι love music theory.Ι teach and i have made an easy tutorial for grades 1,2,3,4.Check out youtube and if you like it join it. Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics, narration and 500 exercises, through 24 video lessons!
  9. 10emmanuel

    What scale are used in this SRV songs?

    Hello everyone! I wonder if you guys can tell me what scale the bassist uses in TEXAS FLOOD, PRIDE AND JOY , THING I ISED TO . Thanks!!!
  10. M

    Different Keys

    I'm relatively new and mechanically I'm doing fine but as I'm getting into theory I have a couple closely related questions. If I play a scale in one key, and then switch to another (scale, diff. key) is that going against theory? And part two to that I guess is how does one play up and down a...
  11. markbmbass

    Homesick by Marcus King Band - What Key Should I Be Playing In?

    Ok, so the chorus for this song is in Amaj, easy enough. However, during the verse (basically C#m7 and Dmaj7) I'm kinda confused as to what the key is. I know I can play around those two chords using their arpeggios/chord tones, but when it comes to throwing a fill in at the end of the Dmaj7...
  12. GCA

    Double Bass and Practice oriented drum machine and Scale/Chords reference tools

    First of all, I apologize if this is not in the right place. Moderators feel free to change and sorry for the hassle. I've been busy during these pandemic times. I've been building 2 tools related with musical theory and practice. The first one is, which is a scale/chord/intervals...
  13. Russ Rodgers

    Arpeggios Vs Scales

  14. Donald Wormuth

    Struggling with fingering.

    I am a beginner taking on line lessons with SBL. Practicing Arpeggios C∆⁷, Cm⁷, C dominant ⁷, Cm⁷b5 shapes. After 2 or 3 times my hand and forearm feel's super tight and unrelaxed. I am not trying to go fast. Accuracy means more right now speed will come in time. With practice, practice...
  15. Slipper

    Double Bass Pentatonic scale

    Hello everyone, I have a question on the pentatonic scale, and have not found an answer in the forum. I have noted the patterns of the pentatonic scale as follow: Major: R, 2, 3, 5, 6, R Minor: R, b3, 4, 5, b7, R The pentatonic Major look a bit like the Ionian mode (all the major scale notes...
  16. Sapatown

    How to level up

    Hey, So Im in a great threepice original rock/metal band. The all three of us have been inspired and hugley influenced by different bands and I feel like I am not so good at playing bass, and are probably the weakest link in the band when it comes to my instrument. I have played for 8 years, I...
  17. NoiseNinja

    Your Favorite Scale?

    I realize you have to play the notes that fits the music you happen to play, but what is the scale that you enjoy the sound and mood/character of the most and loves to noodle, jam in, and eventual to use when composing music, the most? Mine absolutely has to be the Dorian Scale, love that...
  18. foldyman

    Questionable Bass Theory Poster - What Do You Think?

    Hello all, It shouldn't be, but my music theory is a bit flaky, so hoping my betters here can confirm or expand on this... I think I've been a bit duped by a questionable (and in some cases plain wrong) "bass theory" poster I bought online. I've seen a few different iterations of it online...
  19. T

    Good bass tutorial WANTED

    Hi. Can you recommend a good bass guitar course? I mean a beginner to professional course so that I can choose the topics myself. I've been playing for a long time, but I realized I was standing still. The theory was also not my forte. Thanks a lot in advance !!
  20. M

    Wanted dr Morton's Miraculous Scale Fingerings

    I am looking for a used or brand new "dr Morton's Miraculous Scale Fingerings for the double bass"
  21. M

    Wanted dr Morton's Miraculous Scale Fingerings

    I am looking for a used or brand new "dr Morton's Miraculous Scale Fingerings for the double bass"
  22. B

    Video on modes on the Bass! check it out

    hey all! check out my video on modes on the bass and some ways to use them, enjoy!
  23. Darren 1

    Placing scales with Chords

    Hi everyone, Here is a follow up of a video I did on diminished scales. In the video below you can hear how major, minor and diminished scales sound with their chords. Please subscribe to me over at YouTube if you can :) take care!
  24. Darren 1

    Finger Technique with Symmetrical Scales

    Hi Everyone, I thought I would share a short video I made for a bass student on improving finger movement. Thanks Darren.
  25. R

    Scales all along the neck

    Hey, guys, I got this kinda complex (for me) question that needs answering: been playing for about 17 years and I never paid attention to the whole scales and modes thing before. I know the basic construction of a major scale, natural, harmonic and melodic minor, intervals in such scales, etc...
  26. Darren 1

    Jaco's Havona: Bass Soloing Concepts

    Thought I'd post a little demonstration of how i like to use pentatonic over the major chords to extend the harmony.
  27. Darren 1

    Easy Slap Bass Technique for New Slappers !

    Hi Fellow bass player. I hope everyone is healthy and keeping a positive vibe where possible?! I've had a little more time this past week to make several new You Tube videos on a variety of bass topics. I am also delivering all of my one-to-one lessons over Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc. If...
  28. BarfanyShart

    6/9 Sextatonic Scales - Quarantine Shedding

    So, I got a groovy, sexy, new exercise for you all. Take the fourth tone out of all your modes and shed that six note scale with all your standard standard scale/arpeggio practice patterns. Enter the "6/9 Sextatonic Scales"! (trademark pending)
  29. E

    How to Phrase Bass Licks like Jaco Pastorius?

    This is a bit of a long winded question, but I’ll try to articulate everything I’m wondering. I was listening to “Havona” by Jaco Pastorius (big band) and I want to be able to create bass solos similar to how he does it in this song. I believe the key of this song is E, but as I was watching a...
  30. Fray Arsenio

    Scale Studies for Bass by Dino Monoxelos.

    Hi. I'm curious about what exactly will I find in this book by Dino Monoxelos, "The Ampeg Guy". Scale Studies For Bass Has anyone got it? Is it just a map of scales or is it there some method, lessons, and so in it? Thanks.
  31. remcult

    Alternatives to Musicopedia?

    The website Musicopedia seems to be down, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any other similar resources. It allowed you to select an instrument, number of strings, to select arpeggios or scales, etc. and then map out what you wanted on the fretboard, a pretty incredible tool. Feel free to...
  32. Darren 1

    Extend Your Scales & Chord Knowledge

    Hello again bassists! Here’s a lesson on introducing more complex scales such as the melodic ‘jazz’ minor scale. This is a great scale for learning to understand different ways around the bass and certainly for getting your head and fingers around more not-so-common chords. Please subscribe...
  33. Darren 1

    Get Those Pro Licks Under Your Fingers.

    Hi fellow Bassists, Here’s another episode from Darren on using scales to create cool licks. This video demonstrates the simplicity of the diminished scale, and after, it’s application. I hope you find this insightful and useful. Please try to subscribe to the channel for many more new videos.
  34. Darren 1

    Learn the Fingerboard with These Easy Steps

    Hey Guys, Check out this video if you want a few pointers and secrets to get you flying around bass neck. I have at least seven more like this and then some !! So please subscribe to me as you watch and stay tuned to and learn my many other simple but engrossing and satisfying hacks. Please...
  35. Stonewallll

    Inquiry about scales modes

    Hello, Is there a comprehensive book, list or website with tablatures for double octaves of all scales and modes? I was thinking about getting bass grimoire but was wondering if anyone else has utilized this?
  36. socialleper

    Books for 5\6 String Scales and Modes

    I have the Bass Grimiore and one of those little gig bag books to help me quickly reference scales and modes. I find them to be very useful. However, they and just about everything else I can find are for 4 string basses with standard tuning. Are there books out their that cover a full range of...
  37. fingerguy

    How Important Are Scales?

    I'm serious, how important for a bass player is scales? Any good videos that break them done or book or etc? I know there is many but what is the best ones to follow?
  38. Nephilymbass

    Super short scale octave up/piccolo basses

    I know these are pretty weird and new. Just out of curiosity I’m really digging these little oddball mini basses im Finding online. They are all super small(about the size of a kala u bass but use steal strings and are tuned an octave higher. A few for example Curious if there are any others I...
  39. Doug4321

    B strings, 35+ inch scales, fanned frets

    Every time I've picked up a 5 string bass at a store the B string seemed rather clunky and not very musical. But maybe an extra long scale helps? 35 inches or more. However the longer scale could be quite a stretch and harder to move around the fret board. Maybe a fanned fret bass would...
  40. B

    are scales what I need?

    I want to be able to improvise immediately above any chord. I know all the notes on my fretboard, but other than that nothing. So I can follow pretty much everything by ear playing the route note and from time to time playing an octive or the fifth. Im pretty much stuck in that level of playing...