solder joints

  1. Guiseppe

    Conductive copper foil from the place that shall not be named... much as I dread their S&H, I keep reading that their foil tape is the real deal and it eliminates the need to solder between connecting pieces of foil. Any real-world experience on this? If it truly does what they claim, I'll spring for some. However, if it's no better than any other...
  2. calverstedt

    Epiphone Jazz Bass 1999 - Broken solder joints - no tone

    Hey there, a long time ago a colleague gave an Epiphone Bass to me. I really don't know which one but it looks like the Epiphone Jazz Bass 1999. Even then it was not in a super condition but it still worked.. It still worked a few weeks ago. Today as I tried it, it didn't work anymore.. A few...