
  1. Riff Ranger

    Please help me keep the lows in my own house

    Moderators: the Amps/Cabs forum seemed like the best fit for this, but obviously we have more to consider than amplification here; please move this to Live Sound or elsewhere if more appropriate, with my thanks and/or apologies. Contributors: I have read a bit about this subject on TalkBass and...
  2. Riff Ranger

    Buster’s Busted (or Not): How’s Your Quarantine Rig Holding Up?

    Just when I had learned to love my Mesa Buster at a volume that didn’t seep into every room of my neighbor’s house, the standby switch gave out, with weeks to go before I can have anything done about it. Obviously the world has bigger problems, and I’m not going under the hood of this thing for...