
  1. R

    Someone recommended a PJ bass but i cant find one

    So i made a post on reddit if the Fazley FPB118BK would be good for a starter. Someone recommended that i get a PJ guitar but i can't seem to find any. I have a very tight budget (no more than 120 for the bass itself) and i was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for me? Also, what...
  2. Z

    Mitchell MB300 as a starter bass?

    Hello all, I've been looking into learning to play bass (I have some experience playing guitar) and I found this bass on sale for $130: I haven't been able to find much information about it. So i was wondering...
  3. B

    Starting out

    Hi, I've only just signed up to this because I want an answer more specified to my question and basically I would like to start playing bass guitar. I have never actually tried playing bass but have wanted to do it for a long time. I would like to get some advice on which bass to start out on...

    NBD - “Vintage” Kay Starter series; need help dating her

    I recently acquired a Kay Starter Series bass. It’s a short scale with a p bass split coil in it. It was basically left upon my doorstep and I was hoping you all might be able to tell me something about it. My main questions are: Is the fingerboard rosewood or something I don’t know about? Are...
  5. JeffJ2112

    Starter Pedalboard?

    After years of not using effects unless they were built into my amp or head, and they for a few years of trying to use various multi-effect units, I'm now buying pedals. I also finally understand the need to have a pedalboard and power supply. Any recommendations for a good small board and...
  6. Arzakyum

    Starter gear

    Hey guys, i want to start playing bass, i always wanted to learn bass and i've been saving up for some time now, sometimes i play on my friends bass and i have so much fun when i do:) I made a wishlist of the gear i want to buy and i would like for you to give me your opinion? I want to play...
  7. BassChase4

    Starting Bass

    Hello everyone, hard-core newbie here. I am just picking up my first bass in a couple of weeks here and I had my eye on an Ibanez SR300E which I was told is a decent jumping off point. I enjoy the sound a P bass gives but I've been told a Jazz is much more flexible (granted if I were...
  8. U

    Double Bass Your opinion on a starter bass, please

    I've been looking for a starter bass, and a very well-used Englehardt has appeared locally. Here is the link: $650 · 1980's Englehardt 3/4 Upright bass. I haven't been able to check out the instrument yet, but I know Englehardts are generally considered acceptable starter basses. I'm also...
  9. NickFromNY

    Starter Ampeg amp (SVT style look)

    If you had to choose between the 2, would you pick a Micro VR head or a solid state SVT350 or 450 head? Everyone should own a P-bass, right? Everyone should own an Ampeg at one point too. I have had the PF500 and had issues with it cutting out, going into protect, etc. Prefer the look of...
  10. 5teven5trummer

    Old MIJ starter bass

    so here are the pics of my lovely wee girlfriends first bass... she had it for 20+ years, unplayed. Its beaten n battered. Just adjusted the neck and still the bridge to do. Check out the dodgy Erth and ground wires... its a real cool bass to play but needs some work done to it. Going to open...
  11. 6

    ukulele as starter bass???

    I have a 4 year old little boy, that loves my basses and loves to play with them. As you might imagine, they swallow him whole, so there isn't much hope for really teaching him anything, hands on, anytime soon. It occurred to me, (ignoring the obvious differences in tuning and other fundamental...
  12. Miscellaneous 12 patch cables starter pack

    For sale Miscellaneous 12 patch cables starter pack

    12 patch cables starter pack good condition all work well I moved on to building my own cables. Should be great for someone starting a pedalboard I paid around 30 dollars for them. yours for 15 free shipping paypal conus 3 of these...
  13. jazznrick

    SOLD Miscellaneous 12 patch cables starter pack

    12 patch cables starter pack good condition all work well I moved on to building my own cables. Should be great for someone starting a pedalboard I paid around 30 dollars for them. yours for 15 free shipping paypal conus 3 of these...
  14. J

    Starter Fretless Bass Suggestions

    I recently decided to try playing a fretless bass. I don't know if it's something I'm going to play often or not, so I'd like to start off with an inexpensive and see how it goes. I think I would prefer lines and dots, to make it as easy as possible to ease into. After playing it for a while...
  15. S

    Jamming/Recording Gear for my Girlfriend

    Hello, I'll start by saying I do not know lots about audio equipment I'm not so musically inclined but my girlfriend is a pretty talented guitar player and became really interested after seeing my musician and DJ buddies work with a looping pedal/drum machine, looper pedal type thing. Since her...