sterling sub

  1. Alfonso Polo

    Sterling bass SUB Series.

    Got me an Sterling SUB a few months ago... It worked and sounded great.... For a while.... Recently, for some reason, every time I play the E string I get a horrible distortion coming out of it, ESPECIALLY when I crank up the bass and treble knobs on it (just the way I like it) even with a brand...
  2. JoaoSalles

    Can I get a Stingray Sound 5 with a Sterling S.U.B?

    Hi everyone, First of all I apologize for my English, I'm using Google Translator, I'm Brazilian! I bought a Sterling S.U.B 5 string, but I didn't like the sound when I compared it to a Stingray 5! I know there are several differences, I was wondering if you guys have any EBMM 3-band DIY circuit...
  3. M

    Sterling stingray or Yamaha bb234?

    Looking to pick up a good mid ranged priced bass for doing some local gigs. Anyone have experience with these 2? Pros? Cons? Prices are about the same. Just not sure what one would be a better buy.
  4. Osmoza

    My first bass

    Hi, Firstly i want to mention that i'm new to basses and music in general and i'm looking for a bass, a 5 string one to be precise because my main goal is to play metal music (mostly funk, prog and alternative subgenres) and my favorite bassist is Ryan Martinie who uses mainly 5 string basses...
  5. S

    what bass amp should I get?

    hi all, I'm planning to get started with a bass guitar as a complete beginner. So far I've been playing an acoustic guitar for about 8 months (quite intensively tho, for more than 2 hours every single day approximately), but I can say I've never really played a bass guitar before, apart from a...
  6. 2019 Sterling SUB Ray 5 String

    For sale 2019 Sterling SUB Ray 5 String

    2019 Sterling Ray, SUB Series, like new, never left my shop. Has active 9v pickup. Guess I'm not a active bass person, tried to like it, but no go! Ships in the factory box the way I got it. Only mod I did is the tort pick guard, which looks weird in the pic, but it is fine! Will ship for $50 in...
  7. mobass55

    SOLD 2019 Sterling SUB Ray 5 String

    2019 Sterling Ray, SUB Series, like new, never left my shop. Has active 9v pickup. Guess I'm not a active bass person, tried to like it, but no go! Ships in the factory box the way I got it. Only mod I did is the tort pick guard, which looks weird in the pic, but it is fine! Will ship for $50 in...
  8. T

    NBD sterling SUB

    So I picked this guy up locally on the old Facebook marketplace today for what I would consider to be a very decent price. I am completely impressed with this instrument. This thing punches well above its weight and could hang with many American made basses. I can't believe how far "cheap"...
  9. D

    sterling sub vs peavey fury,the right choice?

    Getting my peavey fury on Tuesday,but wondering if I made the wrong decision and second guessing myself ,wonder if I should have gone with the SUB? Darn it Dave
  10. Sterling Sub Ray 4 Fiesta Red

    For sale Sterling Sub Ray 4 Fiesta Red

    Up for grabs is a mint condition Sterling Sub Ray 4, it's been used for one gig and has otherwise been sat on a stand in my home. It's super comfortable to play and nails the Stingray sound. I'd consider a trade for the Squire VM Fretless. Local pickup only!
  11. zackattack

    SOLD Sterling Sub Ray 4 Fiesta Red

    Up for grabs is a mint condition Sterling Sub Ray 4, it's been used for one gig and has otherwise been sat on a stand in my home. It's super comfortable to play and nails the Stingray sound. I'd consider a trade for the Squire VM Fretless. Local pickup only!
  12. Theunknownknows

    Active/passive switch on Sterling SUB bass

    Hello all, So I want to add a Active/passive switch to my bass. I need to know where in the schematic should I add the switch. And wich of the pots is shown on the active/passive switch. Any help is appreciated.
  13. Eekum

    Sterling SUB Ray4

    So, I recently came across one of these in mint green for $200 used, it is in amazing condition. I love the color and look of the thing so I am debating on grabbing it up, but I wanted to pick your brains first... This will be the first active bass I have ever owned. I have played them in the...
  14. TWood97

    NBD! Sterling sub ray 4

    So this post is a couple of days after the real NBD, but I thought I'd share my new purchase. I've wanted a stingray ever since I started playing and the subs were ideal bang for your buck for me. It was a pain to find the colour I wanted though as it's been discontinued apparently :( but I...
  15. C

    Sterling Sub Ray4 on 18 Volts

    I have a Sterling Sub Ray4 Bass that has a preamp which runs at 9 Volts, I have heard of people running their Stingray Preamps on 18 Volts as it is claimed to add more headroom to the sound, I would like to try doing this to my bass ONLY if I know that it is safe to do
  16. ceesaar00

    Sterling SUB, Ray34, Stingray and Classic Stingray sounds

    Hey folks. So I found this video recently. I never have seen a comparison between the 4. I know it is just one riff but it let you hear the basic differences between all of them. That Ray has some big balls, the classic Stingray is fabulous, the newer Stingray I´d say is between those two, still...
  17. UserNameRejected

    Sterling SUB Ray4 vs Ibanez SR370

    Hey guys, I am doubting between buying the Sterling Sub Ray4 or a Ibanez SR370. I really like the amazing sound out of the Sterling. But on the other hand I also like the versitileness of the Ibanez because of the extra pickup and the series/tap/powertap function. I play all sorts of genres...
  18. A-Step-Towards

    Wanted Sterling sub stingray neck

    My friend dropped his sterling sub stingray and cracked the neck bad enough A Fret fell out , he isn’t A member here so I’m posting A wanted ad if someone has one. I’ve found them new on sale for $225 and sent him that info but I think he is hoping to just find A neck
  19. HassanGhnaim

    Sterling SUB Ray5 VS Ibanez SR 500

    Dears, i do own a squier now and i am willing to buy a new bass within my budget which 350 USD, i only play for myself at home, am going to drive a bit a drive to go to the nearest music shop, going to try Sterling SUB-5 and Ibanez SR500, before trying them our, anyone has any experience with...
  20. micbass

    Tone Pot for Sterling Sub Series Bass Questions

    I have a Sterling by Musicman SUB series bass, 4 string, active electronics. This is the 300$ model. With less than 5 months of playing, the volume pot goes way south. I first blew it out with compressed air, it got better. Then it got worse. Used a small amount of Deoxit, it got better, then it...
  21. M

    Stripped Screw Heads On Sterling SUB Ray 4. How to Remove it?

    Hi, Im new here. and i need some words on how to remove the stripped screw head on the pickup. I tried to lower the pickups but it was so hard so i forced it then the screws got worn out. now the pickup is lowered but the front coil is lower than the rear.
  22. D

    musicman sterling sub bass

    I just picked up a used one for 2 hundred Bucks I thought it was a good deal and a pretty decent bass for someone like me who is getting into bass after many yrs of not playing Who has one and what do u think? Thanks David
  23. Philthy

    Installed Schaller Roller bridge on Sterling Sub Ray 5 - does it look right?

    I just installed a Schaller Roller bridge on my Sterling Sub Ray 5. It did not line up with the original bridge mounting holes, so I had to measure and re-drill. I believe it looks like I've measured correctly. I've attached pics to get other opinions of those more experienced than me. I...
  24. dcgriggs79

    Fender P Guy. Played a EB Sterling SUB. Now I'm having identity crisis

    I have a MIM P, and love it's versatile tone. I was just about set on upgrading to the '16 American PJ, as I like the idea of adding a j pup and neck. I've never considered active pups as I don't like batteries. Was in GC this week and they had an active Sterling SUB hooked up to a Rumble 100...
  25. Sterling Sub Ray 4 w EMGhz Pup

    For trade Sterling Sub Ray 4 w EMGhz Pup

    Solid White, well played. No gig bag, EMGhz pup and stock 2 band Preamp. Slight discoloration I'm finish on the back. It's hard to show in pics.
  26. darkbass

    TRADED Sterling Sub Ray 4 w EMGhz Pup

    Solid White, well played. No gig bag, EMGhz pup and stock 2 band Preamp. Slight discoloration I'm finish on the back. It's hard to show in pics.
  27. c3powil

    Adding neck pickup to Sterling SUB bass

    I just picked up a no name brand MM style humbucker and a Warwick streamer preamp to mod my Sterling SUB bass with. I'm looking for resources to help me with installation and wiring but I don't know where to start. Anyone have any takes on it? Good idea? Seems simple enough, but I don't want...
  28. Samipegazo

    Sterling Sub Series Pickup Replacement

    Like the title says, I am looking for a replacement for my Sterling Sub Series bass. Not only that but I'm also looking to change the preamp so my options are seymour duncan, emg, and nordstrand. price isn't an issue but i would rather not spend too much unnecessarily. in all honesty im leaning...
  29. USA Ernie Ball Musicman Sterling SUB Bass

    For sale USA Ernie Ball Musicman Sterling SUB Bass

    Made in USA Ernie Ball Musicman SUB Sterling. Active 3 band Preamp. 2 blemishes on body. (See pics) originally picked this bass up here: SOLD - FINAL PRICE DROP: USA Made Musicman SUB Sterling - w/ Musicman Sterling HSC. $500 Will consider trades for a small bass amp head..(GK, Markbass...
  30. bmac314

    No longer available USA Ernie Ball Musicman Sterling SUB Bass

    Made in USA Ernie Ball Musicman SUB Sterling. Active 3 band Preamp. 2 blemishes on body. (See pics) originally picked this bass up here: SOLD - FINAL PRICE DROP: USA Made Musicman SUB Sterling - w/ Musicman Sterling HSC. $500 Will consider trades for a small bass amp head..(GK, Markbass...
  31. Gaddiel Vazquez

    Sterling S.U.B. Ray4 on board preamp

    Hi everyone I'm looking for a new 2 band eq preamp for my mint green sub ray 4 that has a wonderful sound and it's very comfortable for me and I can play all kind of music, but since some weeks ago I get a terrible sound when I move the volume pot, especially if I want to up the volume because...
  32. Sterling Sub Ray 4 PRICE DROP

    For sale Sterling Sub Ray 4 PRICE DROP

    Sterling Sub Ray 4 in great shape. Not alot of play on it. Fresh Set up and new DA nickel wounds on it comes with a gig bag as well Philly area for local pickup Will ship if you want
  33. drewphishes

    SOLD Sterling Sub Ray 4 PRICE DROP

    Sterling Sub Ray 4 in great shape. Not alot of play on it. Fresh Set up and new DA nickel wounds on it comes with a gig bag as well Philly area for local pickup Will ship if you want
  34. drewphishes

    For sale Sterling Sub Ray 4

    Sterling Sub Ray 4 in great shape. Not alot of play on it. Fresh Set up and new DA nickel wounds on it comes with a gig bag as well Philly area for local pickup Will ship if you want
  35. drewphishes

    SOLD Sterling Sub Ray 4

    Sterling Sub Ray 4 in great shape. Not alot of play on it. Fresh Set up and new DA nickel wounds on it comes with a gig bag as well Philly area for local pickup Will ship if you want
  36. A. D. Fairhurst

    Spector Legend 4 Standard vs Sterling SUB Ray4

    At the end of the year, I am thinking of buying myself a new bass, and I have narrowed it down to two choices: the Spector Legend 4 Standard... ...and the Sterling by Ernie Ball SUB Ray4... ...but I cannot for the life of me decide which one to get. I love the Spector growl as I am a big fan...
  37. Sterling Sub ray 4

    For sale Sterling Sub ray 4

    Got this last week. Im just a 5 guy. looking to trade a 4 string for the 5 string version Lmk! will post more pics later. bas iss in great shape with fresh EXLs and setup
  38. drewphishes

    SOLD Sterling Sub ray 4

    Got this last week. Im just a 5 guy. looking to trade a 4 string for the 5 string version Lmk! will post more pics later. bas iss in great shape with fresh EXLs and setup
  39. Pier_

    Labella Jamerson Flatwound on a Sterling SUB Ray4?

    Hi everybody, since december I'm using the wonderful 0760M on my Harley Benton JB75. I knew these strings before, and fell in love again after mounting them on this bass. it has a sturdy bridge and a big neck, so I haven't got problems with them, but a friend of mine used this set on a Squier...
  40. drewphishes

    sterling sub ray 4 and ray 5

    I've been looking at a ray 34 as a second bass but these sub ray 4s play very well And i thought they sounded great. anyone have experience with one? good things to say? bad?