twisted neck

  1. tapiodmusic

    Would this be a problem to my bass neck???

    Hello tb I just bought my new bass its 2012 mim fender When first i received it, there was no uneven relief on the neck(both .01inch). But as i changed the strings 4 times(stainless->nickel->stainless flats->stainless)..just in 2weeks… Neck relief is now greater under g string(E-0.008in(0.2mm)...
  2. TFM94

    NBD - Ergonomic Bass "Twisted Sister"

    Finally...after over two years of building this bass, it's new bass day! I call it "Twisted Sister". This is a twisted neck bass. On purpose. It has -20 degrees at the nut and +15 degrees at the bridge, a total of 35 degrees of twist. The concept was invented Jerome Little (Torzal) and the idea...
  3. bassbourne

    Twisted Fender necks?

    So my bass (a Fender American Pro) has had issues with buzzing on the G string only from frets 3 to 6. I first believed this to be a relief issue and, although adding more relief alleviated the issue to some degree, it didn’t eliminate it. I’ve been to a tech twice who has levelled the frets and...
  4. tapiodmusic

    I think i have a neck problem

    I found a beauty a hama okamoto precision conditioned as never played, just put in the garage for like 4month(god.."in tuned"!!) I bought it and took it home to take some measurements just in case. I found it have slightly more relief under e string than on the g string. Ive checked it with capo...
  5. Jeff Siddall

    Three piece maple/amboyna/ziricote twisted headless bass

    A few years back I purchased a rather large, and rather precious, slab of crotch walnut with the idea of making the whole bass in one piece from it. That thread is over here: One piece black walnut crotch headless 6 string After starting that build I realized any kind of screw-up would wreck...
  6. D

    A couple of neck questions

    Dear fellow players, I'd appreciate your help with the following questions: 1) Could you please provide a resource (video, pictures, or explanation) that, in your opinion, could clarify how to identify twisted necks? I have read and watched some videos, but I can't seem to grasp the concept or...
  7. Torzal MS 5 (01)

    Torzal MS 5 (01)

    Twisted neck, multiscale, 5 string, by Jerome Little
  8. burpgun

    Weird issue with my ‘75 Precision Bass Neck

    Hi there. I’ve got a maple neck 1975 Fender Precision Bass that’s been in my possession since 1992. The issue I have is that while I can get the action quite low on the D and G string, attempting to do likewise with the A and E strings produces buzzing, but only at the 12th fret. It plays low...
  9. TjMetalhead

    Musikraft Necks

    Does anyone have any experience with them? My MIM Fender P bass has a twisted neck and I figure it's not worth getting fixed since I could get a brand new neck for the price of the repair. I was gonna get another Fender MIM P bass neck that's sold everywhere so it could match. Then I stumbled...