
  1. Dubious Aa


    I don’t know how i end up with stuff like this, maybe im just a sucker for DIY stuff
  2. Waffle grills (6", 15")

    For sale Waffle grills (6", 15")

    6" and 15" waffle grills from Speaker Hardware ($8 each new). I had them on my Fearful 15/6/1. Replacing them with perforated metal grill. Good condition, no dents, a few minor scratches. Free if you pay shipping. thanks, Theo
  3. tchristian

    For Sale Waffle grills (6", 15")

    6" and 15" waffle grills from Speaker Hardware ($8 each new). I had them on my Fearful 15/6/1. Replacing them with perforated metal grill. Good condition, no dents, a few minor scratches. Free if you pay shipping. thanks, Theo