warm tone

  1. Genz Benz Streamliner 600 - warm tubey goodness in a powerful hybrid head!

    1. For Trade
    Genz Benz Streamliner 600 - warm tubey goodness in a powerful hybrid head!

    If you're a bass player, hopefully you know this amp. These are now discontinued and came in two versions - the Streamliner 600 and the Streamliner 900. I've owned both and the 600 has more than enough power for any bar or club gig I've ever done. This amp was discontinued years ago and Genz...
  2. D

    Passive warmth & grit from active pickups?

    Will a distortion pedal or some other effects accessory add warmth & grit to an active humbucker signal? I'm looking to get my first electric bass after a few months of playing a Carlo Robelli 4 string acoustic. I went to Guitar Center and tried an Ibanez GSR with active humbuckers, an Ibanez...
  3. KCLRbass

    New album is FINALLY almost here - KC Roberts & the Live Revolution

    My band's new record took more than three years to complete, with plenty of covid disruptions, band personnel shifts, learning to do better home recording, etc. etc. It sounds *so* great and I'm really proud of it. I can't share much yet, but I hope this tiny clip of our first single/video...
  4. madjazzbass

    tone cap question: What to expect

    What tones should I expect from each one of these tone capacitor values from bright to warm? Thanks.