
  1. Eric Ryan


    So I just turned 50 on Sunday, & look what my precious bride made me! What a cake topper! All handmade/hand drawn. You wouldn't believe the lengths she went to to duplicate all this. An exact replica of my main bass & my gigging rig!! Extra points if you can guess what everything is. One...
  2. Evan J

    What does your wife think of Talkbass?

    I have seen quite a few “my wife” mentions on here recently. Makes me curious…
  3. Price drop: Sheehanized Fender Roadworn Mike Dirnt

    For sale Price drop: Sheehanized Fender Roadworn Mike Dirnt

    ETA: Ended up parting out. Body available here: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fender-roadworn-mike-dirnt-part-out-plus-gotoh-dimarzio.1640618/ *** Sort of a thought exercise: what if Billy had started his bass-mod journey a decade earlier? I loved the result, but others are getting way more...
  4. takeout

    SOLD Price drop: Sheehanized Fender Roadworn Mike Dirnt

    ETA: Ended up parting out. Body available here: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fender-roadworn-mike-dirnt-part-out-plus-gotoh-dimarzio.1640618/ *** Sort of a thought exercise: what if Billy had started his bass-mod journey a decade earlier? I loved the result, but others are getting way more...
  5. Claymore

    What is your significant other's attitude towards your bass playing?...

    An informal poll to see how much support, or lack of, most of us are getting at home. Just to clarify the poll boundaries... Supportive could be anything from "Play me something, honey" to expressing a sincere interest in basses you like or the music you're listening to or just sharing your...
  6. spigmu

    What's cheap, red, short scale, lefty and arrives from New Hampshire while the wife is at work?

    I swung and missed at iagtrplyr's in the classifieds, so I had to drown my sorrows with Kurt. Now I have to clean up really well (packing material bits incur a dressing down, not for sneakiness but because it's bits of packing material invading the dining room), have some fun and then put it in...
  7. beaglesandbass

    Wife Didn’t Understand What I Found Funny

    Saw this driving home tonight
  8. lizardking837

    Your names for you gear vs. your spouse's names for your gear

    Hey guys, I recently watched this video featuring a guitar player's wife going over his gear and testing her knowledge. It reminded me of two Christmases ago, when after a few beers my girlfriend and went through my gear that still resides at my parent's house. The results are as follows...
  9. yobtaf

    showed my wife joe dart from vulpeck...

    And she said "WOW YOU SUCK" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL hahahahahaha
  10. godofthunder59

    Billy Sheehan "wife" build

    A work in progress in my shop. Not a exact replica but it has all the important elements Gibson EB0/Precision pickups, Telecaster bass neck, Ash Precision body. The bass will be wired V/V/T with one output as I split my signal into two amps where Billy uses two independent outputs one for...
  11. bacchuskid

    My wife bought me a Stingray! My first MADE IN USA bass.

    Wife: Let's go out. Me: (kidding) if you gonna buy me a bass. Wife: Ok (I was thinking she was also kidding me). After she's done shopping.....(for almost the whole day!) Wife: Where is the guitar store? Me: (heart beating fast) You're kidding, right? Wife: Do I look like I'm kidding? Inside the...
  12. BOOG

    Wife Doesn’t Know

    So, Friday night (Saturday early hours) after a long week and a few glasses of fine Kentucky (as if there were some other kind) bourbon I decided to give in to my urges of lust. This sexy, long, lean and aggressive black beauty of a bass begged me to give her a home so, I put in the online...
  13. MEKer

    I told my wife this

    She insists on wearing these winter leggings with little sleighs on them. The sleighs were not printed correctly on the leggings. OK--they look stupid. I told her if she continued to wear them, I was going to buy a faux man bun. I have a pretty short haircut. She just slitted her eyes at me and...
  14. BlueShox

    Wife got me a new Fender Jazz, is it authentic?

    I know there's a lot of knowledgeable folks here on Fender. It's definitely not a player and the intonation is awful, but I think it has a place in my collection. Happy Holidays everyone!
  15. C

    NBD - my wife letting me relive my youth

    My wonderful wife and son made me very happy by getting me this beauty for Christmas. I’d mentioned that I’d really love to get another Thunderbird and showed her a picture of Epiphone Classic PRO in black. Much to my surprise, this showed up on my doorstep.
  16. Stinsok

    My wife managed to drop her iphone in water. Will not power up.

    We tried the rice trick. No luck. Any suggestions?
  17. My wife is making me clean up the Music Room

    For sale My wife is making me clean up the Music Room

    So my wife is making me clean up the music room and I will get rid of a couple of basses and a couple of necks that will never go on new projects. I have a 1995 Fender (Made in Japan) Jazz Bass unlined Fretless that I just don't play anymore. Action is great, the sound is perfect fretless but...
  18. C

    For Sale My wife is making me clean up the Music Room

    So my wife is making me clean up the music room and I will get rid of a couple of basses and a couple of necks that will never go on new projects. I have a 1995 Fender (Made in Japan) Jazz Bass unlined Fretless that I just don't play anymore. Action is great, the sound is perfect fretless but...
  19. Joe Nerve

    My wife is making me...

    Go to the dentist! For the first time in many years. In 5 minutes! I don-wanna, I don-wanna, I don-wanna!!!!!!!
  20. RyanJD

    So I'm getting married soon and I was thinking of buying this for my wife...

    Your Husband. My Husband. - Bass Guitar Ladies Junior Fit T-Shirt
  21. Road Hat

    What my wife knows, and I didn't know she knew

    My wife is a non-musician, but she's been hanging around my playing for 35 years (we met at one of my gigs). She mentioned something about instruments on TV the other day, and I realized I hadn't ever asked what she knew about bass and all things musician. Here are the results of my interview...
  22. Gravedigger Dav

    I Love My Wife

    This was my birthday card today
  23. slobake


    She totaled her car. She says she is okay but I am not sure. She was still mentally recovering from the shock. She is with my son waiting for a tow truck about 20 miles south of S.F. I came home from work but she wants me to wait at home. Sitting on pins and needles right now. The last time this...
  24. JACink

    The wife says don't sell this one!

    So, my other half has been pretty good about my bass hoarding over the years, even when I spent months without playing and still bought basses. The current count is around 15 (I think). Over the years, she has also given me a few basses as presents (xmas, burthday etc.), the last bass related...
  25. paulears

    Anyone know why my wife is cross with me? I can't work it out.

    Need to learn two new songs for a gig tomorrow - draw a line between the band members on the map and I'm in the middle, so makes sense to all come to me - we're a Beach Boys tribute, so we all sing, and the two new songs have us all singing different parts through both these new songs, so we...
  26. pbass6811

    My wife is making my gig life miserable...

    Not sure where this should be posted, here or bass humor, but feel free to move or delete as necessary... Let me start off by saying that my wife is my hero. She is the primary reason that my son and I manage to exist and not walk out of the house every day looking like we got dressed in total...
  27. R

    NBD: My wife loves me!

    At the beginning of the year I started saving for another bass. I wasn't entirely happy with my Schecter, the first 5 string I ever owned, and was hoping to at least get closer to my eventual goal of a 34" 5 string J bass with 18mm - 19mm spacing. Being a lefty, and hoping to keep my budget...
  28. Bassdokes

    And then my wife says... (bass man cave post)

    "You could sell one of those basses and have enough money to finish the Sheetrock in this room" Please excuse the mess. My kids just finished their daily ransacking ritual.
  29. makaspar

    Working for the wife

    Just wanted to throw this out there, and get some feedback, horror stories, or (hopefully) some success stories. My wife and I work at the same company, but in very different departments. She's in charge of marketing, and I am more or less entry level elsewhere. My background is...
  30. mark beem

    My wife is awesome!!

    One of my Christmas presents this year. Rupert Neve RNDI. She's awesome!! :bassist:
  31. ChuckO

    New Bass, Great Wife

    A few weeks ago I was reminded how great my wife is. I was lifting weights in our basement, music blasting and wife upstairs on the phone. I had 245lbs on the bar. I was trying to get one or two more reps on the bench when I felt a tearing sensation in my chest. I immediately put the weight...
  32. Nephilymbass

    ESP for Christmas

    Mom and wife pitched in together for my Christmas present. My wife and I picked it out. I've been a fan of the ESP 400 level basses with the EMG 35dc, and 40dc pickups for a while. Great gigging basses that don't break the bank but are great for hard rock and metal. I currently own a f-415fm...
  33. V

    So, my wife and I were watching HGTV/Macca joke

    Watching a show about "tiny houses." One house shopper was a bass player relocating from Nashville to Santa Barbara, CA. One thought that would NOT leave my mind was this--What do you call a bass player who can afford a real house in Santa Barbara? Answer: Paul McCartney!
  34. rodv66

    Charvel 1B

    Just won a Charvel 1b on ebay for 221$ I loved this bass in the late 80's and regretted trading it in. Even same color as my old one. Maybe Claudia won't notice it.....
  35. Duder

    I ruined the surprise, or, Why I need to stop worrying because my wife is awesome

    Anyone who has seen me post in a thread about short scales, GAS, your ideal bass, etc. knows I have been pining for a vintage white CIJ Mustang Bass reissue. They show up once in a while (used, as it's been discontinued), but either the price has been inflated, the color was more olympic than...
  36. bassman31783

    Music with my wife (part 2)

    For those that haven't seen previous post, I'm a full time musician who gets the opportunity to play music all the time. My wife, however, is insanely talented but between work and mommy duties, she doesn't get many opportunities to showcase her musical abilities. Making these videos are just a...
  37. devnulljp

    Next time your wife says you have too many basses ...

    Next time your wife says you have too many basses, show her this guy Private Collection: Nick Smith – Bass Desires
  38. Jojers

    My wife is a riot

    I recently joined a band (first since I married 12 years ago) My lovely wife just sent me this. Payback soon.
  39. slobake

    Another reason I love my wife

    I have been going to the StewMac site lately. I love looking at tools and they have some really happening tools there. My wife likes looking at them too. She likes to tinker as much as I do. She knows I am going to be soldering some new pots on my bass and I know she would like to do it. Some...