
  1. pbass74

    OK TalkBass, Help Me Make My Retirement Playlist

    So, today I officially entered the world of the seven day weekend. I'm working on a playlist just for fun listening while driving, sitting out on the patio, etc. Help me out with some appropriate songs. Genre doesn't matter, But PG-13 or milder will be appreciated. Songs about lifestyle, travel...
  2. FunkHead

    Enter Key is not working.

    Pressing the enter key at the end of a sentence does not move cursor to next line.
  3. PennyroyalWe

    Band Ambitions/Expectations

    Sorry I’m advance, as this will probably be kinda lengthy. About a month ago I auditioned for a band that an acquaintance told me was looking for a bassist. He’s a professional guitarist and vouched for this group, so figured it’s worth looking into. At the time I was starved for an outlet to...
  4. Syl_Funky_bass

    Any tips, advice when going pro (+ synth beginner).

    Hi guys, It seems I might get the opportunity to go professional. I get more and more calls and start making me a name in the local scene. What would be your best pieces of advice for a 32 year old bass player who finally and quite surprisingly gets the chance to make a profession out of his...
  5. JT Wolbert

    Pickup not working(strange),Preamp broken?

    My friend and I had both our basses(powered pre-amps) at my house and his guitar kept having issues. His yamaha was very quiet and kept making distorted noises. We changed cables/batteries/amps with no improvement. He said that his guitar was working fine earlier today. So then we switched to...
  6. C

    My bass amp just stopped working

    My bass amp just stopped working out of the blue... I purchased it threeon the
  7. G

    Bass Microsynth Not Working

    Hey guys, so I have had this issue with my bass Microsynth that I have not ever seen before. I have not seen anyone have this issue yet... When I'm playing a continuous chord progression the BMS filter keeps sweeping even though my start and stop frequencies are set to the same frequency. Like...
  8. smeet

    Videos not working for me on iPad?

    Embedded videos just look like stills. It’s been for a few days, didn’t even realize they were videos till now. It still works fine on my desktop Mac and iPhone but not on the iPad.
  9. edencab

    What is the LATEST riff you are working on?

    Stealing @One_Dude's idea of your 1st riff.......What are you working on currently?..... my fun ones right now are: Sweet Jane (not hard, but such a great groove) and Lively Up Yourself.....(reggae is new-ish for me)
  10. A

    What songs are you working on mastering?

    Hey all! Trying to immerse myself more in practicing, and doing so by learning songs I like, hard or easy. Currently working on these right now: Song, artist, progress in song: What you Know - Two Door Cinema Club - have the notes down, but at 120bpm vs "big boy speed". Can play at full speed...
  11. ZBirdV8

    Working on a Playlist; Need your suggestions.

    I'm creating working on a playlist, mostly heavy metal with nods to proto-metal, harder forms of punk, and the heavier classic rock songs. This is the list as is (5-5-18). I'd like to know if you think it ROCKS, how you feel about the selections from various bands, if you have links to better...
  12. N

    Front pickup suddenly stopped working.

    Hello everyone, I bought a Sire V7 last year and a couple months ago suddenly when I turn towards the pickup blend knob - so that only the front pick up works - there's no volume. I opened and checked both the pickup and the potentiometer and everything seemed find. Anyone else have had this...
  13. gary mitchell

    Aguilar Twin Filter is not working out so far.

    I just can't get a good wah sound from it. I put it in front middle back of my chain, my chain consist of a Boss Geb-7 a Dallas arbiters fuzz, a Keeley Bassist compressor limiter, Boss DD3 delay and the Aguilar Filter Twin. I 've have change position of each pedal everyway I can, I have eq the...
  14. J

    Sansamp VT Bass DI not working

    Hi i bought a Sansamp VT Bass DI only a few months ago and have have only played it half a dozen times and now it's broken. The pedal now has terrible background noise when i turn the effect off - it's still on in the background and makes a loud hissing sound. It's a real shame because i loved...
  15. mambo4

    What's the hardest part of being in a FUNCTIONAL band?

    Kind of a response to What's the hardest part of being in a band? where the overwhelming responses seem to be "dealing with other people" , disagreement about goals, folks not pulling their own weight, etc... A few the answers dealt with the pragmatic difficulties of booking, gigging...
  16. D

    Deluxe bass big muff pedal not working

    Alright, so first of all, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place, but I just got this pedal (used from reverb, but the seller had great reviews) and it doesn't seem to work. The crossover light comes on but no matter how I turn the knobs, it doesn't affect my tone at all, and with the...
  17. willsellout

    Pro Tools First and Scarlett 2i2: I can't get it working.

    Yeah so I'm interviewing with Sweetwater and Im trying to learn about as much as I can with available DAW's (in addition to a bunch of other pro audio stuff) and Im struggling with Pro Tools. I use Garage Band for just about everything because my needs are simple and it's easy. For the life of...
  18. Dr. Cheese

    Peavey is working it out:This Import Cirrus is Awesome!

    This is super quick video I made because I found after saw my favorite store had a new shipment of Cirruses. I was almost on my way to choir practice when I got a call that my replacement preamp for my Ibanez TMB 605 was in, so I came by to drop it off on the way to rehearsal, when I saw a...
  19. Mulder7

    My Ampeg SVT CL stopped working! Help!

    Today at practice I was playing the amp and all of a sudden my signal died. I checked all the cables, and then noticed a sound coming through the speakers that sounded like wind. Now the only thing that happens when I take the amp off standby is a "wind" sound. What the hell? Anyone ever...
  20. Barticus

    Wanted Working MEC 3 band preamp for Warwick thumb

    I’m looking to purchase a good used in working condition MEC 3 band preamp with pots attached
  21. CoffeeLove

    Did you ever get a "flesh wound" while working on your instrument? - Pic Included

    Well, I have had performing injuries, but this is my first "string change" flesh wound. I was taking the old strings off my Martin acoustic guitar and the high E string went through my finger, and yes, there is an entry and exit point. It was the curled end off the tuner, so after it poked...
  22. jaybones

    Working on this one

    Pretty simple, but without the sax kinda hard for people to recognize. Timing not too hard to get down, but definitely not just straightforward quarter or eighth notes in 4/4.
  23. Big AL-Muncher

    GK 700RB-II input/pre-amp section questions

    I just got this amp, but not sure what's up with the input section. On my old SWR amp, the manual basically says to turn the input up until it barely clips (light blinks) on your loudest notes. It also says clipping won't hurt the preamp. Should I operate the GK amp in the same way? When I crank...
  24. Paulabass

    Hardest working girl in show business

    Not THAT kind of working girl! Ordinarily the Sunday Jam is a low key affair. The house band (Myself included) take the stage for a set, then some solos, and duos (whatever comes along) then switch up the band til closing. Yesterday the place was full, musicians and a dining/drinking crowd, by...
  25. Paulabass

    Working music retail.

    First, we have to decipher what the customer is actually saying/doing- I'm in the studio all weekend. Means- My buddy has Garage Band. On tour- We have two gigs this week, thirty miles apart. Playing a festival- 17 bands in three hours in a room that fits 75. Then there's stuff that makes your...
  26. Mulder7

    My amp isnt working (possible issue with cold weather)

    Hey. So my 70's Ampeg V4 w/Reverb isn't making any sound. I powered it up and the amp turns on, tubes light up, but no sound when I take it off standby. Now I have a feeling the unusually cold weather might have something to do with this, as the amp was stored in my cold basement. We've been...
  27. C

    Bartolini NTMB+ into Lakland 4401 - not working.

    Hi all, I have a 4401 and I'm trying to upgrade the preamp to the Bart NTMB. So when finally rec'd, I looked at the existing wiring, and saw it had way many more wires than the Bart install. Bart support said I needed a 25k ohm volume pot, got one. Connected all the wires per their diagram...
  28. whatever4

    Who is the oldest working bass player on Talkbass?

    Just curious. What kind of gigs do you play? What kind of gear do you use?
  29. Nephilymbass

    What’s working? Promotion/marketing online.

    always on the lookout to find new ways to reach new potential fans. Any interesting new strategies working for you? I’ve actually asked this same question before but as you know especially online, things are constantly changing. Prime example Facebook seems to being dying down probably because...
  30. da old guy

    Just picked up a working vintage B25 for $350

    Guessing its pre Maganvox. Serial # BB8713xx. Anyone know what the year or mfg might be or if its a blackline or blueline model? The faceplate is so worn there is not a mark left on it. :)
  31. verstft

    Working Man's Pino Palladino Precision Project

    That's it, I'm done this time. Made out of parts I've gathered over the last year, just waiting for the right price and weight. 1997 MIM neck 7.25" radius Roadworn fiesta red body vintage saddle bridge. Fender nitro tort pickguard. Jason Lollar overwound P pickup CTS 450G pots(250k), vintage...
  32. Hd0521

    Mid control not working.

    I have a sunn concert bass head (red face) With the mids dimed and the bass and treble at zero there is a very low volume tone coming through. If I back the mids down to zero the volume of that tone doesn’t change. If I dime either bass or treble the volume increases. I’m assuming it’s a passive...
  33. rwkeating

    Oh the embarrassment on not knowing basic wood working

    I've built 3 instruments that I am very proud of and I play them everyday. I had not had previous wood working experience when I built those. Today I decided to build a stand for those instruments. I don't even know what this joint is called, but this is about as good as I got it. I am...
  34. Gatlin

    M87 Not Working

    So I have had an MXR M87 for about 6 months now. I have love the pedal and it stays on 100% of the time. Recently though during practice my bass all of a sudden had no audio. After some trial and error I realized it was the M87. So for practice I took it out of the effects chain and rocked...
  35. Jimmy4string

    New Fall cover songs you are working on

    Weather is getting nice in the old practice place. Which is good cause there is no AC in there and we are in Texas! So we turn to the new songs. What are you guys working on latley? Last night we tried out: Dancing with Myself -Billy Idol (sounded great right our of the gate) Feel your love...
  36. Holas

    Working bass player rig help/suggestions

    Hi all, First post whoop! I play in a indie/rock 3 piece (drums/lead), currently using Ashdown MAG300 Evo2 head, and MAG410t deep cab. I'm really struggling for headroom, and the amp is pretty much max'd on output at most gigs. We play in bars and pubs mainly, with the odd bigger venue for...
  37. Kun2112

    Bad load-ins! A show and tell for working musicians to laugh at.

    About twice a month my band plays in the small resort town Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It realy is a place that I think everybody should visit at least once. The entire city is on the National Register of Historic Places. My absolute favorite place to play there is this tiny place downtown. Here...
  38. J

    Schecter Stiletto neck pickup not working - please help

    Hi, I got a stiletto for basically nothing and it is in pristine condition except that the neck pickup does not seem to be working. The blend control blends OK to the bridge pup but when I turn it to the neck position I gradually lose volume until where it is supposed to be 100% neck the bass...
  39. C

    Auditioning for bassist in working band

    So I have two auditions coming up for working bands that have gigs on the books and just need to replace the bassist. While I have won the role of bassist in this type of audition before, I would say my success ratio is about one in ten for getting the bassist role in a working band. I attribute...
  40. Rev. Cornelius

    Pages never stop loading, *AGAIN*

    I noticed this a day or two ago. The little blue wheel continuously spins at the top left corner of the page. It is doing it right now. It is like the page will not finish loading. While this is happening, the back button does not work. Anybody else? Thanks