Double Bass Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics

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Commercial User
Oct 20, 2022
hi everyone!Ι love music theory.Ι teach and i have made an easy tutorial for grades 1,2,3,4.Check out youtube and if you like it join it.

Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics, narration and 500 exercises, through 24 video lessons!
Well I've had a look through those 24 trailers and it is difficult to see how every element of Grades 1-4 is covered. It doesn't say which examination syllabus it is linked to, but it has gaps against the one I know (ABRSM) :
  • Nothing about key signatures up to 5#/5b;
  • Little about compound time;
  • No mention of accidentals double-sharp, double-flat;
  • No mention of augmented or diminished intervals;
  • Nothing about primary triads in major and minor keys up to 5#/5b,
  • etc.
Might get through Grade 2 but probably not 3 without a lot of additional material. The biggest problem is there is no index or syllabus which shows what additional content is covered by each 'lesson' once the subscription is paid.
$30.96 for a very slimmed-down introduction looks very expensive when you consider that the same amount of money could buy an accredited book linked to an academic exam syllabus for grades 1-5, a couple of 1-2-1 'starter' lessons with a qualified teacher and still have change for a double espresso.
My 2cts:

The theory forum should be meant for people interested in exchanging about music theory, not for commercial users to drop their ads and then disappear for ever.

In the present case, the offered material is really both sub-par and overpriced. For TBers interested in introductory material on music theory, here are some valuable free resources:
Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom - Lessons
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