well SWR and Ampeg seem to like them
my V4 cabs were absolutely crushing with them, likewise the pair of Marshall 1935B straight fronts i loaded with them.
As mentioned there is various versions and variations of the basic Marshall 1960 cabs used for bass with different suffix numbers. with 4x12
1984, 1935, and 2033 i guess you could say being most well known.
their is alot off versions of your basic Celestion " G12" but for majority of 70ish bass cabs G12H would be more than likely used for bass and the wattage of the voice coil will be included such as G12H-75 , G12H-100 , G12H-150 so on and so forth
celestion usually marks " Bass Resonance" either 75hz or 55hz obviously the 55hz is a deeper lower resonant frequency speaker likewise some 75hz baskets can be reconed with 55hz cones.
55hz speakers are used for bass/ guitar cabinets 75hz more common for guitar
as mentioned we are talking 100 watt bass amps here but yes "Bass" cabinets ranged from 60 to 400 watts over the years
a 400 watt bass cab probably have a 55hz loaded G12H-100 or G12H-150
dont get feelings hurt i hate celestions and find them a absolute waste of money
absolutely wont do 400 watts lol just thermal rating
likewise if you want a "44hz" lol, bass speaker again just use a Eminence Beta12a2
the short run of 4x15 bass cabs from the 70s was a really tall 1984 good luck finding one
there is also your basic square cabinet width but taller 2x15 called the 1981B
likewise a 1x18 square cab that was a taller squareish cab called 1988
if you want marshall cab its easier to find loaded or empty ones..kinda. not gonna find them on craisglist, but there is marshall collectors and alot of them have buttload of empty cabinets laying around. took me awhile and few different states to find a matching pair, and 100 watts no problem, start pushing them and i only use straight cabinets and add extra front to back bracing. likewise alot of marshall cabs i considere "cheap" are ones that are all wood except for the back panels which are huge chunks of heavy mdf. ill talk the seller way down on mdf cabs, and then change the panel to plywood to save the weight, and i always line the cabs with batten