1994 Ibanez SR1205FL Strings?


Makin' bass faces since '92...
Feb 17, 2013
Nederland, Tx
I just found and bought a 1994 Ibanez SR1205FL from eBay... and here's the kicker. I originally bought one of these basses brand new back in '95 when I graduated high school as a graduation gift, and then it was stolen from me in '98. I have looked and looked for one of these for YEARS, and I finally found one! Albeit it's not the exact bass that was stolen from me, it is an exact replica to the tee. I'm stoked! Any recommendations on string brand/type? I just used whatever I could afford back when I first owned this bass, but since I can be choosy now, I'd like some string tips for a fretless bass. Thanks in advance.