1F 2C 3G 4C tuning question

There are many reasons why someone might use a "drop" tuning, including but not limited to:
  1. The tuning sounds good for a particular song.
  2. The tuning makes the song easier to play.
  3. The player wants some of the low notes of a 5-string bass, but prefers to play 4-string.
  4. The song features a guitar riff in a drop tuning, and the bass player wants to "double" the riff an octave below the drop-tuned guitarist using the same fingerings.
  5. The player wants to try something different from "standard" EADG tuning, maybe for a change of pace or to inspire new musical ideas.
To answer your specific question "What moveable chords become easier to get to?" I don't think this makes a big difference to bass players, but guitarists often enjoy "drop" tunings because they can play a root-5th-octave "power chord" on one fret, by barring the bottom three strings.
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This isnt just a drop tuning its a bass tuning with an open octave, and non standard intervals.
Someone has jumped on this the now near millionaire bass player for Kill Switch Engaged. Has a progression of 4 signature bass models all tuned this way from the Factory.
Does this forum always have folks chiming in that arent able to answer a fact based question.
Im looking for a fact what moveable chords are easir to get to in this tuning. Why does a famous bass player use it, it is not standard tuning intervals.
The "advantage" of any given tuning is the music it allows you to play. So why not tune your bass CGCF and try playing along with some Kill Switch Engage songs?

If you need more information about this popular tuning, it's discussed pretty frequently around here:

C-G-C-F Tuning?
Best strings for CGCF tuning?
Good strings for drop C (CGCF) tuning ??
Drop C, opinions?
How to tune my bass to Drop C (help)
drop C modes/scales?
FCGC bass tuning

Does this forum always have folks chiming in that arent able to answer a fact based question.

Pretty much, yup. Try not to take it so personally. :)
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This isnt just a drop tuning its a bass tuning with an open octave, and non standard intervals.
Someone has jumped on this the now near millionaire bass player for Kill Switch Engaged. Has a progression of 4 signature bass models all tuned this way from the Factory.
Does this forum always have folks chiming in that arent able to answer a fact based question.
Im looking for a fact what moveable chords are easir to get to in this tuning. Why does a famous bass player use it, it is not standard tuning intervals.
I've been playing for 32 years in standard tuning.

There isn't a single chord that would be easier for me to play with this tuning, so that's my own personal answer.

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