20 Things You Didn't Know John Paul Jones Did

Watch the video from Jon Stewart of him performing skotoseme with diamanda galas. That album they did hhad amazing grooves on it. Her performance is a bit hard to take, but if you can focus on the bass and drums it's worth it.
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You know, when I was young (in the '70s) I read a blurb in Guitar Player about how Zep was the worlds' first "super group" - that all the guys had been established artists BEFORE they got together. I didn't know what JPJ did prior to zep - so this is pretty cool.

And no, I'm not a huge JPJ fan - nothing against him, but that group really was all about John Bonham and Robert Plant. IMHO.
Watch the video from Jon Stewart of him performing skotoseme with diamanda galas. That album they did hhad amazing grooves on it. Her performance is a bit hard to take, but if you can focus on the bass and drums it's worth it.

i remember seeing that performance when it aired. quite a mix for me of "wow" and "huh?"!
You know, when I was young (in the '70s) I read a blurb in Guitar Player about how Zep was the worlds' first "super group" - that all the guys had been established artists BEFORE they got together. I didn't know what JPJ did prior to zep - so this is pretty cool.
From recent readings, LZ was almost a supergroup of Entwistle-Moon-Page-Plant.
And no, I'm not a huge JPJ fan - nothing against him, but that group really was all about John Bonham and Robert Plant. IMHO.
Back in the early '70s, JPJ was "my guy" (his style seemed more attainable than, say, Jack Bruce or Entwistle).
I would say LZ was more about Page/Plant...based on my Circus magazine subscription. :)
One particular issue, though...Page did call JPJ "the real musical genius of the band".
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You know, when I was young (in the '70s) I read a blurb in Guitar Player about how Zep was the worlds' first "super group" - that all the guys had been established artists BEFORE they got together. I didn't know what JPJ did prior to zep - so this is pretty cool.

And no, I'm not a huge JPJ fan - nothing against him, but that group really was all about John Bonham and Robert Plant. IMHO.
Sorry, but everybody in that band pulled their weight; time after time JPJ has been referred to as LZ's MVP. With a rhythm section any less stellar than he and Bonzo, Page and Plant would have crashed like, well, a lead balloon.
that group really was all about John Bonham and Robert Plant. IMHO.


Signed with King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp's DGM label in 1999 and released two solo albums.
After waiting for a number of years to see if Page or Plant might call him up and ask him whether he would like to join them out on the road, Jones decided to move on and try his hand as a solo artist. When it came time to find a label, however, the options appeared limited, so he reached out to King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp, who had just started his own company: Discipline Global Mobile or DGM. "Robert and I shared managers at one point," Jones recalled. "I asked what Robert was doing. He said that Robert had this record company and it had this great ethic, you know, where the artist had total artistic control ... and they retained ownership of their music, which is pretty rare in the music industry, and there were no contracts, which is also nice. I just liked the whole idea — it's very artist friendly, not artist-hostile or even artist-dangerous, like some places!" Ultimately, Jones put out two albums under the Discipline umbrella, Zooma in 1999 and The Thunderchief in 2002. The former actually featured Jones' boss Fripp playing guitar on the song "Leafy Meadows."

Read more: 20 Things You Didn't Know John Paul Jones Did
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