Double Bass 2022 Grass Valley Fathers' Day Bluegrass Festival (CBA)

Grass Valley is one of our favorites. Only problem this year is 1000 miles of gasoline costs for the RV.

As such we've opted to camp and jam for 2 weeks in the local mountains this year and that's where we are now. More friends will be joining us here in a few days.

Maybe Grass Valley next year...
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We ARE going this year, anxiously looking forward to it!

And YES, I'm bringing the double bass (along with our other instruments)! :D

(As a corollary to last year's comments about travel expenses, we're figuring about $500++ for RV gasoline, plus expenses for pet care and house sitting, plus festival ticket costs and camping costs at the festival and up and down US Hwy395. Not an inexpensive trip and gasoline prices are still crazy, but the difference this year is that we've budgeted for it. No guarantees about future years though.)
My group is planning on going still got to get my tickets though… Not sure even with Molly Tuttle The lineup is going to be as good as last year .

Great time but probably not as impressive as last year. Besides Molly Tuttle Rhonda Vincent had a great band and the workshop they gave was very illuminating into the business . Seth Mulder was great traditional BGrass as was Kody Norris. Mile 12 was an interesting jazzy take and Never Come Down had a very eclectic sound.
Still none as good as Michael Cleveland or Special Consensus from last year.
I'm not a big go-to-the-show guy at festivals, I tend to jam and visit and yap and then jam more. Did a lot of all of them.

But my wife enjoys shows and really really enjoyed Rhonda Vincent's sets and her band element workshop.

We did catch a few lunch/dinner shows at Vern's stage while eating and they were excellent. We also attended a few of the festival workshops including the Bass Petting Zoo (where I brought my Alcoa and assisted a bit), old time song backup for guitar, and crooked tunes.

I didn't hear Molly Tuttle's sets but my wife and a number of our friends who did didn't really enjoy her first performance much. I overheard some old tymie soundtrack type of work on the main stage that also didn't do much for me.

But these are some of the young folks who are going to carry on the music when we're gone, so I just say go-for-it and feel free to ask if you have any questions. We old folks need to get out of the way and let them fly. They'll learn one way or the other.