Concerning a DIY Build:
While researching a 2x10 cabinet to stack on top of my 1x15 and wading through hours of forums, didn't find design that I liked.
Greenboy = No
Bill Fitzmaurice = No
Googled It = No
Newer speakers handle more watts than the older ones once did.
One idea was to use only one speaker.
Wouldn't one speaker sound cleaner than two?
Left speaker might be pushing and the right one pulling at the same time.
So why does everyone use two speakers?
Thanks for your help
While researching a 2x10 cabinet to stack on top of my 1x15 and wading through hours of forums, didn't find design that I liked.
Greenboy = No
Bill Fitzmaurice = No
Googled It = No
Newer speakers handle more watts than the older ones once did.
One idea was to use only one speaker.
Wouldn't one speaker sound cleaner than two?
Left speaker might be pushing and the right one pulling at the same time.
So why does everyone use two speakers?
Thanks for your help