TLDR: Should I buy an SR800 from 1994 that I cannot try out or go for a new SR500e/600e?

So, I have only started playing bass a few months ago, but have played quite a few basses already, and I am looking for a replacement for my Jackson JS2P since I kinda just don't like it. Something about it feels a bit off, and the electronics and PUs are just horrible.
I have also gotten a Squier CV 60's Mustang recently, to help with some nerve issues in my left arm, and I love that one a lot- so the Jackson leaves me massively unsatisfied.

The first bass I played was an old EU Spector with Warwick tuners and weird/broken preamp/knobs. I do love the sound though, it's an EMG PJ, the tuners say East Germany, so I'd expect that bass to be from the early 90's. Strings may be just as old, since I my girlfriend found the Spector in her dad's hobby room. Its setup is also pretty horrible, but I have mostly fixed that. Still love the sound of the P pickup and the overall feel. Sadly, I can't quite afford, or want to afford, a good Euro spector.

So, in search of THE longscale PJ-ish bass, I went to a fairly big music store a few days ago and tried out everything I could reasonably afford and then some.
The Ibanez SR series felt incredibly good, though ofc very different from a Euro Spector, mostly in the neck. Especially the SR600e with its Nordstrand PUs was a suprise, the SR500e was fine, but the knobs were not really working well, so I don't think I can judge that. Suprisingly, the 600 only costs 30€ more.
The modern Spectors, especially the performer series, felt and sounded a bit weird, the cheaper ones are missing the curve and preamp, the more expensive ones have darklass pre's and sound extremely different. No Pulse to test sadly, as that would be the closest, but also outside my budget.

Went onto a local sell's page and found a few old SR800s, PJ pickups, active, the (imo) better jack position, supposedly the same neck and body as the new SR series.
I did fall in love with a green one, though it does have a few scratches that don't look too horrible, no cracked paint like some others, 450€. Seller says it works, but I would have to get it shipped since I am not willing to drive that far for a "maybe yes, maybe not". The green one has the AFR pickups, another red one, which does not get me going in nearly the same way as the green one, with the LOZ pickups would also be available for 380.

The music I mostly play, right now just some of the songs I like, is fairly varied; Muse, Men I trust, Joy Division, Billy Talent, Bad Religion, Polyphia, Deftones, Monolord, Electric Wizard, Primus, Tool. Pretty much a bit of everything, also not playing in a band, and likely won't be anytime soon, I really only play for my own enjoyment. That ofc may change down the road, but we'll see.

What would be the better decision? Buy the old SR800 with some slight issues, maybe swap the PUs for EMG down the road, or buy the SR500e/600e(probably the 600e, although the BAB finish on the 500e is cooler, the pickups are probably not quite what I want)
I mostly play DI into quality audio equip with appropiate frequency range and hear most things down to 25hz, so if there's a difference, I'll hear it, doesn't mean it's meaningful though.

Any advice would be welcome, feel free to also suggest other basses up to ~800€
J basses likely aren't an option, because most in the cheaper price range just don't feel quite right to me, I really don't like the "classic" J bass shape aswell as most of their sound. Warwicks are an exception, but pretty much always too expensive.

Sorry for the mega long post, Thanks!
I have owned a lot of SRs (MIJ, MIK, MII), and still own 7, and if you want a PJ type, then I'd suggest trying to find an SR650E from 2019/20. I have the 655E-ABS an it's really excellent, especially for the stupid price I paid for it.

Otherwise from the options you listed, the SR600E. Many will wax lyrical about the older MIJs and how they are superphenomenalawesome, and they're good, but I only own one MIJ currently and all of my fave Ibanez player instruments are MII.
TLDR: Should I buy an SR800 from 1994 that I cannot try out or go for a new SR500e/600e?

So, I have only started playing bass a few months ago, but have played quite a few basses already, and I am looking for a replacement for my Jackson JS2P since I kinda just don't like it. Something about it feels a bit off, and the electronics and PUs are just horrible.
I have also gotten a Squier CV 60's Mustang recently, to help with some nerve issues in my left arm, and I love that one a lot- so the Jackson leaves me massively unsatisfied.

The first bass I played was an old EU Spector with Warwick tuners and weird/broken preamp/knobs. I do love the sound though, it's an EMG PJ, the tuners say East Germany, so I'd expect that bass to be from the early 90's. Strings may be just as old, since I my girlfriend found the Spector in her dad's hobby room. Its setup is also pretty horrible, but I have mostly fixed that. Still love the sound of the P pickup and the overall feel. Sadly, I can't quite afford, or want to afford, a good Euro spector.

So, in search of THE longscale PJ-ish bass, I went to a fairly big music store a few days ago and tried out everything I could reasonably afford and then some.
The Ibanez SR series felt incredibly good, though ofc very different from a Euro Spector, mostly in the neck. Especially the SR600e with its Nordstrand PUs was a suprise, the SR500e was fine, but the knobs were not really working well, so I don't think I can judge that. Suprisingly, the 600 only costs 30€ more.
The modern Spectors, especially the performer series, felt and sounded a bit weird, the cheaper ones are missing the curve and preamp, the more expensive ones have darklass pre's and sound extremely different. No Pulse to test sadly, as that would be the closest, but also outside my budget.

Went onto a local sell's page and found a few old SR800s, PJ pickups, active, the (imo) better jack position, supposedly the same neck and body as the new SR series.
I did fall in love with a green one, though it does have a few scratches that don't look too horrible, no cracked paint like some others, 450€. Seller says it works, but I would have to get it shipped since I am not willing to drive that far for a "maybe yes, maybe not". The green one has the AFR pickups, another red one, which does not get me going in nearly the same way as the green one, with the LOZ pickups would also be available for 380.

The music I mostly play, right now just some of the songs I like, is fairly varied; Muse, Men I trust, Joy Division, Billy Talent, Bad Religion, Polyphia, Deftones, Monolord, Electric Wizard, Primus, Tool. Pretty much a bit of everything, also not playing in a band, and likely won't be anytime soon, I really only play for my own enjoyment. That ofc may change down the road, but we'll see.

What would be the better decision? Buy the old SR800 with some slight issues, maybe swap the PUs for EMG down the road, or buy the SR500e/600e(probably the 600e, although the BAB finish on the 500e is cooler, the pickups are probably not quite what I want)
I mostly play DI into quality audio equip with appropiate frequency range and hear most things down to 25hz, so if there's a difference, I'll hear it, doesn't mean it's meaningful though.

Any advice would be welcome, feel free to also suggest other basses up to ~800€
J basses likely aren't an option, because most in the cheaper price range just don't feel quite right to me, I really don't like the "classic" J bass shape aswell as most of their sound. Warwicks are an exception, but pretty much always too expensive.

Sorry for the mega long post, Thanks!
New. Theyve only gotten better, and you can't replace the necks.
I previously owned an old SR800, and I also have modern SRs. While the SR800 isn't a bad instrument, modern ones have definitely improved since. I didn't like the preamp on the old one, it wasn't really powerful and would eat my batteries. Also you'd need a screwdriver to access the battery. The knobs had plastic top, while it works it wasn't the most satisfying feeling. It small things but all in all, the newer ones feel better.

Also I don't feel like an old SR800 would be worth 450€, given that you can easily find modern ones for that price or under. (I recently purchased an SR505 for 300€)
I been own Korean make 2009 SR705, Indonesia SRFF805, SR300e.....but sold all.

Take my advice, get the Charvel Pro mod PJ IV.
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TL;DR: Get the one you can try before you buy, and only buy it if you try it and you like how it feels.

I have an Ibanez SR400 from 1994. It was my first bass and i still have it, but it's been heavily modified.

They were made in Japan for a year in 93 and then moved to two different Korean factories in 94, one of which is the Cort factory. You can tell from the serial numbers which factory they were made in. Mine, from the Cort factory, is pretty fantastic for an "entry level" instrument from 30 years ago. 3-piece maple neck, rosewood fretboard, light american maple body. The neck is J width at the nut and incredibly thin front-to-back. The heel is rounded and thin and allows access to the 24th fret. The build quality was really good, especially for that price-point.

The bridge wasn't great. I used to break strings all the time until i changed the bridge. The pickups were fine. I swapped mine of for EMGs, but that's a personal preference. I had a single tuning peg snap a couple years ago. 28 years ain't a bad run for generic Y-tuners. But if the tuners are on their way out, now will be the time. Also, it had a barrel jack. Barrel jacks are terrible. After multiple barrel jacks went bad in the course of a few years, i had a tech drill out the hole, and put on a jack plate and a basic switchcraft jack. Haven't had jack problems for the following 25 years.

The neck being so thin is a plus to to some, but way too thin for others. It's the kind of thing you gotta feel and see if you like.

Do i recommend getting an Ibanez SR400 from 30+ years ago? Yes, absolutely, but with caveats:
- Try it first. The neck is fantastic but very specific and people either love or hate it.
- The truss rod must be in good shape. A neck that thin needs to be adjusted when you change string gauges or when the climate swings winter to summer and back.
- Get it if you're getting a good deal and don't mind modifying the bass to suit your needs. Overall the bass is great for the price and the age, but some of the components could really use a bump in quality. The SR400 makes a great mod platform because the body and neck are good.
- I can speak to the quality of the SR400 made in the Cort factory, but not the other Korean factory.

So if you get a chance to play a 30 year old Ibanez SR400 before you buy it, absolutely give it a go. Especially if you're concerned with nerve issues in your left hand/arm. The ultra-thin neck could be amazing or miserable. You'll only know by trying. But don't buy it if you can't try it first (Or, don't buy it if you can't return it after you try it.)

Here's more info on the SR400, and you can navigate around to find more info on other Ibanez models you're looking at.
The 600. I have a soft spot for the older MIJ SR's, but you're still buying a 30-year old instrument you can't even try out until it's shipped to you, so you're rolling the dice as to what it may or may not need. I don't like those odds.

With the new one, you have recourse with the local store should something not be right. The old one? You're on your own.
Judging from the basses you say you like, the neck on the SR may be a bit on the small side for you. They are notoriously tight. Some people love em, personally they make my left hand cramp. I would play it for at least 30 mins in the store to make sure it's comfortable.

If you like the Spector, I would look into a used Legend. The older Korean ones are particularly good, have a neck that seems would fit better with what you like, have the curved body, and fall well within your price range.
If you could play both and liked the sound/playability/etc of both equally, then I would get the older SR800. To me a 30 year old instrument is a plus over a new instrument for many reasons. If everything works properly in terms of bridge/tuners/neck adjustment/frets then it has a 30 year track record of working. None of those components are really wearing out after 30 years and in terms of the wood, you're likely better with the older instrument.

Not being able to play the SR800 adds a lot of risk and from that perspective, I would go with the one you can play and be sure works for what you want. You could get the SR800 and find out there are issues with it, it doesn't sound how you want, or any number of other issues that could make that a bad deal.
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First off, thanks for all the replies! Didn't think this post would get nearly this many replies, especially with this much valuable input.

It seems like I'll look a bit more into the korean Spectors, see if I can test one, aswell as looking out for SR650e and 600e. I haven't seen any 650s anywhere, but maybe a used one pops up somewhere.
I'll also see if I can find a Warwick streamer to play, as they have nearly the same body as the Spectors, don't know about the neck though.

I'll probably still get an Emerald Green SR800 some day, solely because I absolutely love the look of the color with the fully painted neck to match, hopefully at a reasonable price, I'd even take one without electronics tbh lol.

Any further input is greatly appecriated, thanks!