34.5" Basses? List every manufacturer you know!


Scuba Viking
Feb 28, 2007
Fontana, California
I'm already aware of F-Bass, who else makes them?

I find myself in one of those annoying predicaments where 34" scale basses all feel a bit too loose and floppy, and while I very much prefer the tightness of a 35" scale, the frets are just a hair too wide to be truly comfortable for my average sized hands.

I like the fret-width on F-Basses, but their chunky necks aren't quite what I'm after.
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very droll, you've been a great help


@wintremute showed at least one at NAMM. I *think* it was the one that won best in show.

This one? :

That's a Freedom CGR / FCGR Dulake, which is typically 34" - unless they've amended it. Neck's plenty stiff for a fantastic low-B, but doesn't have the extra half inch that the OP's after :(

As an answer to OP's question, I was going to suggest Mayones - but realized that they're actually only 34.25".

Another suggestion would be Maruszczyk - he's made a few 34.5" models (played one Frog-5 in that scale length), and it's always a custom option that you can request.
This one? :
View attachment 2897312
That's a Freedom CGR / FCGR Dulake, which is typically 34" - unless they've amended it. Neck's plenty stiff for a fantastic low-B, but doesn't have the extra half inch that the OP's after :(

As an answer to OP's question, I was going to suggest Mayones - but realized that they're actually only 34.25".

Another suggestion would be Maruszczyk - he's made a few 34.5" models (played one Frog-5 in that scale length), and it's always a custom option that you can request.

Dragonfly, another Tokyo based brand, tends to do 34.5”. Here’s an example from Digimart, which is basically Japan’s reverb.

dragonfly/CS-5 345 GLOSS VANILLA / L.ASH【人気カラー・VANILLA】/新品/¥318600/状態:S

Speaking of Freedom, their vintage style 5’s are 34”, but the the saddle for the B string has a bit more “room”. I own one but posting the store pic. Combined with the tapered string for the B, it’s pretty darn good. (Obviously not a long scale Dingwall or Modulus.)

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