I know tracking on octave pedal depends on many factors,
but I thought it's weird because it tracks all the way trough sustain on 15th fret on A string(Note C) but the tracking would be glitchy and on and off on 10th fret on D string (which is same C).
I can definitely hear pitch shifting after half second into sustain on 8th fret on D string.
and crazy part is below 12th fret, some random notes are having tracking problem, but some fret right next to it works great.. like 8th fret on D string won't work but 7th fret works but 6th fret won't again.
very strange.. I checked intonation of my tune and they are pretty accurate.
oh and sometimes my pedal is turned on eventhough the LED is not lit.. what the hell?
this happens when I plug in the cable to the pedal. or after plugging in the power jack.
I did not turn on the pedal but the effect is active.. I would have to turn on the pedal again and hit the bypass again to kill it..
but I thought it's weird because it tracks all the way trough sustain on 15th fret on A string(Note C) but the tracking would be glitchy and on and off on 10th fret on D string (which is same C).
I can definitely hear pitch shifting after half second into sustain on 8th fret on D string.
and crazy part is below 12th fret, some random notes are having tracking problem, but some fret right next to it works great.. like 8th fret on D string won't work but 7th fret works but 6th fret won't again.
very strange.. I checked intonation of my tune and they are pretty accurate.
oh and sometimes my pedal is turned on eventhough the LED is not lit.. what the hell?
this happens when I plug in the cable to the pedal. or after plugging in the power jack.
I did not turn on the pedal but the effect is active.. I would have to turn on the pedal again and hit the bypass again to kill it..