4 String sounds different than 5 String?


Supporting Member
Oct 30, 2003
Altoona, PA
I did a search and couldn't find anything. Although my search skills aren't great.

Yeah... and I know the 4 string has one less string so it sounds different! ;)

I'm actually suggesting that a bass with 4 strings as opposed to an identical 5 string sounds different... maybe because of the neck thickness? It resonates differently?

I've never had my hands on two basses like this to do a blind test so maybe it's just a visual thing that's tricking my ears. :smug:
Each bass is going to sound different, even if they are the same exact model. With five string basses, I prefer a 35" scale, which makes all the strings sound better. Some four string basses sound better than others, as do five string basses.

I've never noticed a difference based on whether it had four or five strings. Seems the differences are in the sum of parts more than anything else. I would think this is more of a placebo effect, but what do I know?

I love the sound of my five string jazz, it just kills. It sounds different than my four string jazzes, as they all have different sounds as well, and I wouldn't believe the extra string is what makes the difference in sound, but who knows?

My five string Spector with its 35"scale is a tone monster, and will just about decimate everything else I own, but it still doesn't sound like a four string p bass, so I don't play it much. Right now I'm more into the passive basses I own, and enjoying what they have going on. To be honest, the Spector is probably the best sounding of all my basses, but it just doesn't sound like my old p bass or my old jazz.
I've mentioned this in two other threads recently, but it's relevant: My friends and I all agree that the E string on 5s sound better than on 4s.
Same thing when converting a 4 string to BEAD tuning--the E sounds better to us. And this is a valid comparison because it's the same exact bass, same brand and model of strings, etc.
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Logic would direct me to say, "No, I'd imagine not." But we have some fellows here who would beg to differ. I have played the 4 strings models of the fivers I've owned...I didn't notice any difference in tone. Only in my playing since I seemed to have trouble remembering which string the fat one nearest me was.
The resonant open string ring out will sound different on a 5 bc a B is added to the open ring out. All of that should be muted when played cleanly. It is generally easier to play cleanly while playing aggressively when there are less strings.
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