Okay, so I'm looking for a premade neck for a project but I'm on a bit of a budget. Who has a decent 34" scale tiltback paddle neck? Just looking for suggestions.
There was another thread going on this here:
"Paddle" style headstock, Who sells them?
They have a couple photos of the Guitarfetish necks. I'm wary of the Chinese made stuff, kind of a crapshoot, but you may get lucky. If you have the desire/skills to do some fretwork, it might work out for you, can't really expect a fully finished neck at that pricerange. There are a few listed on Ebay under the "Eden" brand name, presumably Chinese manufacture too, no idea on the quality. I know it seems tempting, but a bass neck is not the place to scrimp IMHO, lots of cheap bodies out there that will look fine and have zero effect on playability/long term reliability, but a bad neck will haunt you.
paddle headstock bass neck | eBay