I was looking for something to typeset using
lilypond. Here's what the first of these two excerpts looks like using that language. Here's the source code to create this:
% ----------------------------------- Begin file Cind.ly ------------------------------------ %
\version "2.18.2"
\new Staff {
\clef bass
\key e \major
\relative c
\time 6/8
e8\staccato\mp^"unis. circo." [(r8 b\staccato )] e8\staccato [(r8 b\staccato )]
e8\staccato [(r8 cis'\staccato )] e8\staccato [(r8 cis'\staccato )]
e8\staccato [(r8 b\staccato )] e8\staccato [(r8 cis'\staccato )]
e8\staccato [(r8 cis'\staccato )] e8 r4
% Newline to make this consistent with shared excerpt
% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Multiple measure rest
% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Multiple measure rests needs a capital R instead of a lowercase r,
% and it also needs the the compressFullBarRests command. In a
% different time signature, you need to tell it how everything scales
% as well
e8\mf \staccato [(r8 cis'\staccato )] e8\staccato [(r8 c'\staccato )]
gis \staccato [(r8 dis'\staccato )] b\staccato r4
r4 fis8\mf e'4\tenuto gis8
e'4.\tenuto gis8 r4
% ----------------------------------- End of file Cind.ly ------------------------------------ %