Welcome Lashes!
I am a newbie too,and like you no time/$ for a teacher at this time.I think you have already found one of the best,most informative websites for bass already....talkbass
is a wellspring of information(with a sprinkling of BS thrown in for good measure!
Check out your local music store and pick up a video on beginning bass.You may not use that as your main tool(i did`nt)but it will help you SEE how to do some basic things.
As for playing?That comes with time.Right now you will be concentrating on getting your right and left hand coordinated with each other,getting the feel of the neck,and
getting the left(right?) hand used to stretching across 4 frets.You will be surprised after a while...it really does get easier!
Practice hitting the frets in the right spot,walking your fingers up and down the neck,decide if you want to use a pick or your fingers,get used to holding your bass,and read as many posts as you can!!!Even if you don`t think they pertain to you...I learn something everyday from reading the questions/answers of the other members.Most of the time I can`t apply what I learned directly to my practicing but I keep it in the ole memory bank until that day comes.
Well,I guess I am rambling now....
Enjoy your bass!