About pots and switches... Help!

Dec 28, 2007
I wanna change the controls on my p bass. First i would like a volume control that goes from zero to full very fast, so that the swell just takes the initial part of the turn and the rest doesn't do anything extra. Does such a pot exist? Second i wanna ditch the tone control for a series/parallel switch for the split coil. Third the optimal solution would be a push/pull pot that covers both functions... Any ideas/suggestions?
zero to full very fast

In that case, I'd recommend a linear pot. The smaller the value, the more it will be like this. If you are removing the tone pot all together, then a 100K (linear) pot would work. The sweep of the volume pot also has to do with the input impedance of what is next down stream - your amp input, or a pedal, or a DI, usually.

As for the series/parallel switch, you only need two poles to do this, so yes, a push-pull pot can be used if you like.
In that case, I'd recommend a linear pot. The smaller the value, the more it will be like this. If you are removing the tone pot all together, then a 100K (linear) pot would work. The sweep of the volume pot also has to do with the input impedance of what is next down stream - your amp input, or a pedal, or a DI, usually.

As for the series/parallel switch, you only need two poles to do this, so yes, a push-pull pot can be used if you like.