Not sure if this is the best place for this question, but it's my best guess. If there is an accidental notated in a measure and there's the same pitch later in the same measure an octave down, does the accidental affect the 2nd pitch too? I've read contrary answers and so I'm wondering if there is a hard and fast rule or not?
e.g., in a measure of 4/4 with eight 8th notes: C1 E1 G1 C#2 E#2 G#2 C3 E3 G3 are the last three notes, an octave higher than the raised pitches, also sharped?
e.g., in a measure of 4/4 with eight 8th notes: C1 E1 G1 C#2 E#2 G#2 C3 E3 G3 are the last three notes, an octave higher than the raised pitches, also sharped?