Active 5 String Bass Pickups?

i am n00bz

Jul 18, 2017

I got an ESP Ltd. D-5 a few months back and have been meaning to upgrade the active pickups currenty installed. I am going for a modern metal sound and would like any recommendations on pickup choices.
I am also planning on purchasing a Darkglass Tone Capsule preamp to replace the stock one currently in the bass.

Please link me any good choices! Thanks!
Welcome to TalkBass!!!

I am not familiar with that exact model. However, keep this in mind. Most "Active" basses are actually active preamps and passive pickups. In other words, the preamp runs on a battery (or two) but the pickups can function without one.

What that means is this. If you are going to swap out all the electronics, you can literally choose any pickups you want that fit the routes in the or passive.....doesn't matter. The preamp will handle the active part.

You mind posting a pic? Then we can see the routes.
I looked up the bass. Unless I am mistaken, they are standard "DC40" style pickups .....only 5 string. Measure the holes to make sure.

If the measurements work out, look into these. I just had a bass made that uses one at the bridge. Great pickup!
NYC Bass

The aforementioned bass.
Your guys' input has been very useful! Sorry for the delay on the response, but I actually came across another thread on here with someone asking about pickups on an ESP model with the same dimensions as mine! I will consider the SD's when I look at the sizing. Thanks!