Adding more padding/reinforcing bass that's too loose in hardshell case

Jan 25, 2008
Salt Lake City
Quick question. I acquired a Chromacast hardshell case that's just for any generic bass. My jazz is rather loose around the body, and the only reinforcement on the neck is just a piece of foam or whatever with a small indentation for the neck to sit on. The problem was after one gig, the little indentation didn't hold up, and the headstock and neck slid down so the bass was at an angle.

So, my question. I have a pretty good idea on how to add some more padding on the body end, but what would you recommend best for the neck/headstock? My ideas:

1. add some blocks that run parallel with the neck, and leave the area around the headstock open,

2. add a box around the headstock to stabilize it.

3. Keep the new angle, add a block to stabilize the neck/headstock, and then have more room for storage.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm lazy, but this is the most effective quick fix for me:


Easily sized, usually retains its shape pretty well.
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any tips on glueing it into a case? Seems like the existing fur/velvet whatever liner wouldn't take well to a glue on the hairy side?
It's going to be a permanent modification, so cut the fur off and glue to the Styrofoam under it. For what it's worth, hot glue sticks to the back of the fur lining really well. A word of caution; if using hot glue be careful around the Styrofoam, hot glue at the high temp will melt the Styrofoam. Even at the low temp you need to be careful. I can't tell you haw many beautiful clarinet case repairs I have ruined at the last minute because I got careless with a glue gun. It's heart breaking to have to rip out a couple hours work and start over because of 15 seconds of carelessness.