I have two smallish routing projects I plan to embark on over the next 2-3 weeks. A battery box in a bass and a third pickup on a guitar. Both are on factory painted bodies. I have everything I need from tools to new, sharp bits to templates but the one thing I can't find a consistent answer on is for techniques to insure that I don't have any finish chipping or damage along the finished edges when complete. I had a J Pickup rout 'professionally' done in a P Bass body a couple years ago and and wasn't thrilled with the edges. Not so noticeable in use but not quite the finishing I'd hoped for, especially at the cost. I have read that scoring finish the perimeter of the cavity with a razor knife is one method. Another free-handed the straight lines with a Dremel cut off wheel. Both of my current jobs have some small margin of error as the battery box has a lip and the pickup will have a pickup ring. But not so much that a larger chip wouldn't be catastrophic.
What tips or techniques can you offer that you use to avoid edge finish chip out when routing a finished body?
What tips or techniques can you offer that you use to avoid edge finish chip out when routing a finished body?
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