Aguilar DB 210 vs Fender Rumble 210

I use Aguilar cabs and am still blown away each time I fire them up. I ask myself, "why don't I bring these everywhere I go?", Oh yeah, now I remember, I have a nice 4x10 at our rehearsal studio. They are deep and mid forward. You can feel and hear each note.

Not sure about the Rumble cabs, never heard them. I have heard though that Fender seems to have recently upped their cab game. Remember though, a BMW is 3X the cost of a Kia, yet, they still get you from A to B. As with anything like this, you get diminishing returns the more you spend. If money is a concern, the Rumble will probably suit you well, and is certainly not the worst you could do. But, if you plan on having them for a long time, spend the extra if it's not a stretch.
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I owned 2 DB 210 before and although I agree that they are super sounding cabs, I grew tired of the weight.

I currently own 2 Ampeg SVT-210AV and I like them very much. I'm just wondering if the Fender would be a significant enough step-up for less weight than the Aggies. And they handle more power than the Ampegs. I just don't know where they are sonically compared to the Aguilar as I can't try any since stores around here don't have any in stock.