Aguilar Tone Hammer 700 Rant

Jun 18, 2009
I recently got a used Aguilar Tone Hammer 700 amp, and while it's a great sounding powerful rig, within weeks, the mute switch went intermittent on me.
No big deal, right? Wrong.
I contacted Aguilar about sending me the part, a $1.25 push button switch, which even a person with my limited electronics repair skills can fairly easily replace. They said
"there are no user serviceable part inside the TH 700" and said I had to take it to a "qualified repair shop" and that the tech would have to sign and return a non-disclosure agreement!
I said B.S. found the part online and fixed the damn thing myself.
Anyhow, I was pretty annoyed and I doubt I will buy anymore of their gear simply based on this experience.
I have dealt directly with other companies like Crest and Line 6 and they were more than happy to send parts I requested for similar fixes both for no charge.
Rant complete.
The OP bought it used and nothing was mentioned about warranty.
That being said we run into this in the truck industry. The customer has a failed item under warranty that is worth 100-200 dollars. Customer lives an hour away. It's cheaper for the customer to pay for the part and install it himself instead of paying a driver and for the fuel to bring the truck into us. Especially since we will deliver the part for free. But if we don't install it no warranty. It's a strange world but you have to play the game.
That's just standard practice and nothing to get surprised or angry about. I've had many dealings with Aguilar and always get great service but then again, I'm generally polite and don't complain or get mad when I don't get my way.
I don't see how this deserves a revenge thread since the O.P. located the part and installed it himself unless he was just trying to save $1.25......:meh:
As stated in the original post...the amp was purchased used. The warranty on Aguilar products IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. In my estimation, they had nothing to lose by simply supplying me the part as an act of good will. I'd hardly call this a revenge thread, just a heads up as to what to expect. Most of us in here have at least a rudimentary knowledge of electronics and the ability to do simple repairs, why make your customers feel like corporate thieves/spys for wanting to effect an easy fix. What if it had been a jack or knob? Have a repair shop, at the cost of a minimum of $75 to even look at the rig fix it or send it to Aguilar at my expense plus labor and parts?
There was no "mucking about" in the equation. Also owners of these amps know, the switches in these amps are fairly fragile plastic. I have a Mesa Subway 800 as well and all the switches are metal.
As consumers of these products, we are entitled to our opinions and the ability to express them. Im sure they could give a damn about my opinion.
What can I say? Normally things should break or start getting defective after reaching the warranty’s expiry date.
The question for Aguilar then may be what happens if somebody wants to repair with original parts an Aguilar’s product after the warranty’s expiry?
Nobody can get access to a sort of use and maintenance manual for getting the required parts (maybe from Aguilar’s itself in some cases) without signing a non-disclosure agreement?
I find this strange if this way of reasoning is applied, for example, to the automotive market; there would be no independent workshops practically.
I presume that, at least, Aguilar can repair an out-of-warranty item at a reasonable cost and within a reasonable timeframe if this is their approach ..
Aguilars answer might vary depending on who you get on the phone.
That being said, if its out of warranty, and you own it, you can
Do what you wish. And you should.
I heard you can't
Fix a John deere though. ***?
Aguilar either employs or has contracted lawyers' opinions about what to do in this kind of situation. The Lawyers told them to never encourage anyone but a qualified service tech to do so much as loosen a screw on the amp (which is a device with hazardous voltages inside), lest they end up with a wrongful death lawsuit. It has nothing to do with Aguilar being friendly or mean - it has to do with them not wanting to be sued into oblivion.
I recently got a used Aguilar Tone Hammer 700 amp, and while it's a great sounding powerful rig, within weeks, the mute switch went intermittent on me.
No big deal, right? Wrong.
I contacted Aguilar about sending me the part, a $1.25 push button switch, which even a person with my limited electronics repair skills can fairly easily replace. They said
"there are no user serviceable part inside the TH 700" and said I had to take it to a "qualified repair shop" and that the tech would have to sign and return a non-disclosure agreement!
I said B.S. found the part online and fixed the damn thing myself.
Anyhow, I was pretty annoyed and I doubt I will buy anymore of their gear simply based on this experience.
I have dealt directly with other companies like Crest and Line 6 and they were more than happy to send parts I requested for similar fixes both for no charge.
Rant complete.
I'll bet this is just a Aguilar legal concern about warranty coverage.