Aguilar tonehammer 500 powerful enough?

Jan 4, 2016
I play in a metalcore band and need an amp that can compete with 2 all tube guitar amps a 150w amp and 120w amp does anyone know if this amp will work for that our should I go more wattage?
I played in a very noisy and loud harcore/noise/math-rock piece, with one other bass player beside me, a guitarist with a Hiwatt 100 W tube amp and a 4x12 cabinet who also screamed quite loud and a hard hitting drummer, and I managed to easely keep up with them on my Ampeg B15 60 W tube amp with a 15" + 2x15" cabinet.

I even used it to play up small venues with no mic or D.I.

The other bassist used a Carlsbro 100 W tube amp, I think.

When that is said I did take care of the more melodic pieces, had a fairly bright tone, and drived the amp pretty hard, which might have helped me cut through.

Tube amps do generally tend to be able to put out more sound than solid states with similar specs, but with 500 W I am pretty sure you should be able to cut through, and even if you chose to drive 8 Ohm cabinets instead of 4 Ohm which would merely give you 250 W, my guess is that it would be plausible.
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Any suggestions?

I play in a metalcore band and need an amp that can compete with 2 all tube guitar amps a 150w amp and 120w amp does anyone know if this amp will work for that our should I go more wattage?
More wattage. Well, it depends on the cabinet. And how much low end you want.

I LOVE my Tonehammer. But I recently joined a rock band (hard rock, modern rock, IDK) and both guitarists play Mesa Dual Rectifiers through 4x12s and I'm running my TH500 pretty much full tilt into my relatively inefficient 2 x 12/6 cabs.

If you've got a big, efficient, 4 ohm cab then it may just be enough.
Disagree. Maybe with an 810 or 412.

Tough to say, of course, depending upon the band. But I generally subscribe to the idea that there aren't many situations where both (1) a properly powered, decent 4x10 is too quiet and (2) there is no FOH PA support available.

OP should take exception if he/she feels that his band plays abnormally loud or in a unique context where both fo the above conditions exist. If so, the others' recommendation of two 8-ohm cabs or a 4x12/8x10 might be more appropriate.
I recently joined a rock band (hard rock, modern rock, IDK) and both guitarists play Mesa Dual Rectifiers through 4x12s

I hope this band is a serious touring act as that's just nuts in todays day and age. Most bands I've ever gigged with and we've played some pretty big outdoor events, have just used either combo amps or Mesa's with a 2x12 cab. I use my gear for stage volume and the P.A. for everything else. Granted some places don't have P.A.'s but that's still crazy!

I get the looking cool factor standing in front of stacks of gear etc and that jamming and playing live are two separate animals, but you'll have no hearing left like me if you keep that up. lol

Oh and for most situations, a good 4x10 or maybe two 4x10's and your TH500 should be plenty of volume.
Well just remember that you'll have to move that thing around etc. If you really require that much volume, I'd go for two 4x10 cabs. Much easier to transport and if you only need one, you only take one. Hauling around a 8x10 gets tiring pretty quickly and are also much harder to sell down the road than a 4x10.