alexander technique

Hello there,
Alexander Technique is very useful for carpal tunnel and other instrument induced pain. The best source for information is large group of certified teachers in the US. They have teacher listings so you can find one to get the whole scoop. Best of luck.

(singer and Alexander Technique teacher)
What do you know about the Alexander Technique? So far, the sites I've found haven't told much about it.
No site or book can tell exactly what it is, because like the taste of an orange or the feeling of riding a bicycle, it can be known only by experiencing it. It is a form of experiential learning. The intellect alone is useless here.
The bad news is that the nearest Alexander teachers are in Asheville. The good news is that there are several good ones, including one of the best in the country.
Though I have no personal experience, the AT is known to have been beneficial to many musicians who experience pain. I have heard that part of the time spent with a teacher is observing how you play and making some observations to help you play more ergonomically.
The previous post gave the website, but this one will work as a direct link:
Good Luck.
Please give us an update about your experience with AT.
Thanks for the help! As far as an update, I live over three hundred miles from the nearest AT teacher (NC mountains). Are there any other suggestions for hand pain? I've tried reflexology which works half of the time. i've even heard cherries are cool to joints?
One suggestion would be to make sure your bass is set up to be user friendly. Consider lower action and lower tension strings. I have been using Correli Forte for a long time. There is a new D'Addario string called Zyex that has gut like sound and comes in a lighter tension. They also are working on a new orchestral string that should be out soon that I tried at the ISB CONVENTION that was quite easy to play.
Hey Lynn, here's a follow up on my Alexander Technique appointment yesterday.

It was Idelle Packer (thanks Don). She was all about posture. First she addressed how I sat and how I got into my seat, which we spent about thirty minutes on. We did everything in front of a mirror, it was amazing how much she loosened my seating stance up. It seemed to be highly related to the mental side of yoga, the loosening of the body with the help of the mind. She next went onto my bass posture; Pizz (she addressed how I played on both parts of the neck) and arco playing. She had me play pizz first, which she then targeted my spine. She would have me hold the bass away from me, correct my stance, then had me bring the bass into me and play. It was a little different playing to a different stance, but after a few minutes, it felt fine. Same thing with the arco playing.

lastly she helped me with my stretches I do before I gig. These were about elongating the arm before stretching, a sort of pre stretch. Everything was very slow and methodical.

So far, this is a cool and interesting technique. I couldn't tell you if It has saved me from surgery, but I have booked a few more sessions. I know our next one is only focused on breathing and the feet. Hope this helps you or anyone else in the bass world with health problems like me!

Just a note that I had aching arms, shoulders, hands and carpal tunnel syndrome. This lead me to explore the Alexander Technique, which absolutely changed the way I live, think, move, breathe, play ... the list goes on and on. It has changed my focus from playing perfect and not making mistakes, to taking care of myself while playing. This resulted in my tone being far sweeter, my playing far more accurate and sending the music out as a gift, instead of being in a bubble of fear trying not to make mistakes. It even improved my ear training by teaching me not to listen intently, but to soften the ears and let the sounds wash over it, instead of trying to grab the sounds.

There has been nothing better for my playing in over 20 years of playing. Highly recommended for anyone serious about playing and looking for longevity, joy and creativity in their playing.

Peace, love and happiness!
I just started playing bass, but have been a classical singer professionally for over 25 years. I have to admit that singing opera under hot lights in lots of heavy costuming after working all day is NOTHING compared to playing double bass! That instrument kicks my arse! Hats off to all of you. In grad school I studied Alexander Technique and also took some private lessons for a few years afterwards. Besides the original book that he wrote I recommend reading this one. It made me understand what I was doing a lot better.