Alternate Tunings for Bass Chords

Jan 5, 2018
Hey guys, this is my first thread so apologies if I'm doing anything wrong or stupid.

I was wondering if you guys knew of any alternate tunings that would help a player access chords easier? (Specifically third inversion major 7th chords, (which is a major 7th chord with the 7th on bottom) but anything you guys have will be helpful) I could use a capo, but that means I can't really create any chord progressions.

I know generally the bass doesn't play chords, but I like how they sound, plus I don't have any other instruments so I figured I'd at least try.

Thanks to anyone who bothers to respond! :)
A general suggestion is all-fifths tuning, it spreads the pitches further apart which makes the harmony clearer, since the instrument is lower pitched. It also creates much more range on the same number of strings, such that you have higher pitches usable for chords while preserving the low pitches. You would need to build a custom set of gauges from singles.
A general suggestion is all-fifths tuning, it spreads the pitches further apart which makes the harmony clearer, since the instrument is lower pitched. It also creates much more range on the same number of strings, such that you have higher pitches usable for chords while preserving the low pitches. You would need to build a custom set of gauges from singles.