Hi all, recently I've been researching various amps to use in a mostly bluegrass setting. I'd also like it to be somewhat versatile (sounds decent bowing, can run a bass guitar through it, etc), but that isn't my highest priority.
My current setup is a Rumble 500 head running into two older Rumble cabinets (the 112 and 2x8). I'm not a fan of the coloring provided by the Rumble, but I'm mostly pinning that on the amp not the speakers.
I was originally looking at the Markbass CMD 102p, but am now torn between it and the Acoustic Image Clarus SL amp and trying to use it with my current cabinets (though I plan to upgrade the cabinets later on down the line (they can't last forever)). I've always heard nice things about Markbass amps, but the "natural" tone provided by the Clarus has my interests peaked.
What's the consensus on Markbass setups for double bass and in a bluegrass/acoustic setting? How does it's tone compare to the transparency of the Clarus? And finally, am I out of my gourd thinking the Clarus would keep that clarity with my current speakers?
I'm also open to any other amp recommendations you all have to offer, though I don't really want to spend much more than the 102p.
My current setup is a Rumble 500 head running into two older Rumble cabinets (the 112 and 2x8). I'm not a fan of the coloring provided by the Rumble, but I'm mostly pinning that on the amp not the speakers.
I was originally looking at the Markbass CMD 102p, but am now torn between it and the Acoustic Image Clarus SL amp and trying to use it with my current cabinets (though I plan to upgrade the cabinets later on down the line (they can't last forever)). I've always heard nice things about Markbass amps, but the "natural" tone provided by the Clarus has my interests peaked.
What's the consensus on Markbass setups for double bass and in a bluegrass/acoustic setting? How does it's tone compare to the transparency of the Clarus? And finally, am I out of my gourd thinking the Clarus would keep that clarity with my current speakers?
I'm also open to any other amp recommendations you all have to offer, though I don't really want to spend much more than the 102p.