I have an old Gallien-Krueger 7001 RB Combo with 2x10's. It reproduces the sound of my upright flawlessly, and even sounds true to tone when I am bowing. That is rare for most amps. I also play a rather unsung hero for smaller gigs..an old Roland Cube100. I set it on the "Super Flat" setting for Upright, and for electric I have my pick of sounding Super Flat (Modern Hi-Fi ssound), or like an old Ampeg Flip Top (sounds a bit more like the newer SS Portaflexes rather than the older Tube Models), A Fender Bassman--(Sounds more silver face than black face), An Acoustic 360---(Close but not quite the rumble of the old back loaded 18" folded horns), or an Ampeg SVT---(kinda grindy but not as ballsy).....If I am at a medium sized gig, and my back is hurting, I'll take the Cube and run it through the house..otherwise my GK does everything larger than coffee shop and restaurant gigs. Both sound great through house systems as they have very good Direct Outs. --Rolands don't get a lot of love around here, and the older GK's are definitely better sounding to my ear than the new lighter models. I'm not sure if it's the speakers or the circuit boards...but the old GK's have a lot to offer. The Roland Cube does as well, but they're a little pricey if you can't find a good deal on a used one.