I'm new here, came across this board while doing some web searches looking for a small Ampeg bass amp for recording purposes...
I've been trying to track down a B-15N (hey, if you have one to sell, please get in touch), but in the meantime I've come across a couple of B-15S models. From what I've been able to figure out, these are bigger, louder, and use different circuitry than the B-15N. I haven't decided if these are good points or bad, and was hoping that someone who had used both might be able to compare the two. Are they voiced more or less the same, or are they more like their SVT brethren?
Also, I know the B-15Ns changed a bit over the years -- are there years that are more desirable than others (or more to the point, are there years that should be avoided)?
Thanks for any insight you all can offer,
I'm new here, came across this board while doing some web searches looking for a small Ampeg bass amp for recording purposes...
I've been trying to track down a B-15N (hey, if you have one to sell, please get in touch), but in the meantime I've come across a couple of B-15S models. From what I've been able to figure out, these are bigger, louder, and use different circuitry than the B-15N. I haven't decided if these are good points or bad, and was hoping that someone who had used both might be able to compare the two. Are they voiced more or less the same, or are they more like their SVT brethren?
Also, I know the B-15Ns changed a bit over the years -- are there years that are more desirable than others (or more to the point, are there years that should be avoided)?
Thanks for any insight you all can offer,