Ampeg BA vs Peavey Max

I recently bought an Ampeg BA108v2 and was amazed at the sounds the little guy puts out. Nothing gives you that thick blanket of tone like Ampeg. I owned the MiniMax which is the big brother to the Peavey Max combos, and I was not impressed. Very generic bland tone and the fan sounded like a small jet taking off!

I would recommend either the BA112v2 or BA115v2. I'd get either one but I need a DI out and have a couple speakers, so I'm getting the Ampeg PF-350 head.
I have not played the Peavey, but used to own a fair amount of Peavey stuff in the early 80s. I do have an few years old Ampeg BA10 40w and it sounds really good for what it is. I like/have tube heads that I normally play through, but would not hesitate to use the Ampeg combo for a small gig. It's surprisingly loud and sounds big for it's size. I had a newer Fender combo for year and sold it and kept the Ampeg though it had fewer features. It just sounded better to me.