Hi all,
Looking for some advice, gigging with the Ampeg bits in the title, been gigging for 3 years with this now, fairly frequently, twice a month on average but recently finding that I am struggling with volume - getting the dreaded fart noise at upper mid to high volumes, without the gain cranked up to much, nothing seems broken, the cones are intact everything electrically is fine. Has anyone else found this with the Ampeg portaflex cabs? Running out of gas as they age a bit?
Wondering whether to buy a pf115he or change to an Orange 212 isobaric cab which is a step up in price - but don't know about the quality - my guitarist raves about orange cabs he has one plugged into the destroyer of gigs - a jcm800.
Looking for some advice, gigging with the Ampeg bits in the title, been gigging for 3 years with this now, fairly frequently, twice a month on average but recently finding that I am struggling with volume - getting the dreaded fart noise at upper mid to high volumes, without the gain cranked up to much, nothing seems broken, the cones are intact everything electrically is fine. Has anyone else found this with the Ampeg portaflex cabs? Running out of gas as they age a bit?
Wondering whether to buy a pf115he or change to an Orange 212 isobaric cab which is a step up in price - but don't know about the quality - my guitarist raves about orange cabs he has one plugged into the destroyer of gigs - a jcm800.