Ampeg Portaflex - Would this blow up?


Supporting Member
May 29, 2014
Tulsa, OK
Hey Folks -

Was looking into something ultra-light for home. I've paid my dues on my home setup. It's a PV Minx 110 from the early 90's...

I like the Ampeg PF112HLF, seems like a nice small light cab. Question is, will it play well with a PF-350? the back panel says it's good for 250w @ 8 Ohms, and the 112 HLFs capacity is 200w @ 8 Ohms. Is that close enough, or is it pretty critical to get it right?

I'd be open to a suggestion of a different head if the PF-350 wouldn't be a good fit.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate everyone who reads my posts and helps me out from time to time!