Yesterday the Ampeg Scrambler arrived that I had ordered.
Today I had time to test it.
For the test I used my self made Rickenbacker
Rick 4003 walnoot with Duesenberg single coil pickups and my recently purchased Ampeg B2-48.
The setting that did the trick for me is:
Drive 12 o'clock
Blend: full
Treble: 2 o'clock
Volume: 2 o'clock
That gives me enough overdrive without being to fuzzy.
The B2-48 can, to my ears, sounds like "hifi" but depending on the room also a bit "boomy".
But with the Scrambler on the "boomy"-ness was not there.
I could here myself very well when playing along with songs from my phone into another amp/speaker.
So I think it will do well in a band situation (gig, rehearsel, practice). Monday I can test it with my band and let you how that works.
For now (at home, living room) i am happy with the srcambler, it is a keeper!