I've made my opinion obvious on your other threads (and no, I am not stalking you
@Mo Boogs ), so I'll just say that I agree with Chris, above me.
Like the Subway amps, this is kind of comparing apples and oranges. It's hard to get an objective comparison when the two are so different in design and function. You'll mostly get a "I like this one" or "I like the other one" scenario. Or in the last instance, someone proposing a different amp altogether from the two you were interested in.
FWIW, the clips I've heard of the Rumble sound really great and the drive is a very pleasing and organic sounding drive emulation compared to other class D heads in the same range. My experience is that I've played the Rumble head and Neo 410 on a large outdoor stage as a backline (with no time to adjust settings or really explore its capability) and it felt underpowered and outgunned. Not necessarily the amp's fault though, and honestly after listening to clips today, I'd be interested in trying to give it a run as a replacement back up head instead of my PF800 due to the drive characteristic.
But the thing I will say, is that going with a combo is probably not a good idea for you. You've mentioned that for bigger shows you play a 410 cab, and I can tell you that if that is the case, the limitations of the 210 will be terribly apparent and more than likely leave you needing more. IME, The 212 will compete with a 410 cab but the 210 will not.