Amps & Cabs - appreciate some professional assistance...


Gold Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
Hey Fellas,

Rig is an Ampeg PF800 into two, PF115he cabs. Sometimes substitute an Aguilar TH500 for the amp.

Running 4- and 5-string primarily active basses. I use an Aguilar TLC or Diamond BCP-1 into a Boss LS-1, then split A/B into either A:> GR1 Groove Regulator > Aguilar Octamizer > SABDI for OD; or B:> Zoom MS-60B > GR1 Groove Regulator > Aguilar Octamizer > SABDI for OD. Sometimes put a Tech21 Boost Chorus at the end, and I occasionally put a Fulltone FB-3 at the end to put the signal back up to par, usually on my passive PJ.

The assistance I need is related to the amps/cabs with the effects. I have found that these effects with the aforementioned rig don't 'cut through'. I just can't hear them prominently in the mix, such that I end up not using them as a result. It may be an EQ issue, but is this due to the 15" speakers verses say a more 'transient' 12" or 10" speaker?

I love the tone of the two 115he, but am considering getting a PF 210he to see if the upper mids from that cab will complement the 115he and bring the effects 'back into the mix'. I have 112 and 210 stacks to use, but I really like the Ampeg PF cabinets tone and style factor.

Any assistance is appreciated.

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Jimmy, a big thanks. I just cranked up the rig (1, 115he), set the mid freq at '3', turned up the mid boost and viola! The GR is cutting through, the Chorus is cutting through. Big smile here.