howdy folks, got a few things to share.
first of all, i'd like to remind people that our site rules are accessible via the
Rules/FAQ/CUP link located at the top of this page. i know we have a lot of rules on talkbass, but they're not that hard to follow - they're mostly common sense and should be patently obvious to anyone not wearing shortpants as essential in governing any civilised discourse.
those that aren't obvious are clearly stated and explained, and any of us (Site management) would be happy to explain them further via pm, if the need should arise. take us up on that offer, please - we'd much rather explain a rule beforehand than penalize someone for violating it.
that brings me to the second point i'd like to make today. it has come to our attention that there are a handful of folks who seem to enjoy disrupting the conversations here on a regular basis. this is going to stop.
this site is as successful as it is because of the strength and nature of the community we have built over the past 12+ years. the essential guidelines ensuring the health of this community are our rules. we have learned through experience that when our rules are followed, and evenly and fairly enforced, our community thrives, and when they aren't, the community suffers.
in light of this, no longer will there be any double standards in enforcement in amps. no longer will there be slack given to long-term site members because of their perceived "importance". this has gone on long enough and it stops now.
to those of you who feel that on some level the rules do not apply to you, i urge you to rethink that position. if you are about to post something disrespectful of someone else, snarky or rude or otherwise trolling with the intent to disrupt, infuriate or, most importantly, attempt to silence other members who you may disagree with, i urge you to reconsider. such postings will not be tolerated.
we (site admins) are instructing the existing amps mods to take a more hardline approach to disrespectful or trolling posts than they have before, especially if they are from the tiny 1% of members here who are repeat offenders.
furthermore, i will be taking a more active, -proactive- role in guaranteeing the discussions in the amps forum stay healthy, positive and beneficial, with a very high signal to noise ratio and with a minimum of the snide disrespectful cutdowns that seem to be a hallmark of many of the longer threads in this subforum.
lastly, we will be welcoming pacman to the amps mods fold. this is one of the busiest subforums on talkbass, and his help here will be indispensible. jon has a lot of experience as a successful moderator on talkbass as well as a 25+ year careeer as a professional bassist.
if you have any questions regarding this announcement, feel free to shoot me a pm.