Another NAD ... Tone Hammer 350. Update - Just died too.

Feb 5, 2013
Fayetteville, NC
Endorsing Artist: Used Fender Lead Sleds and Hartke cabs with bent grills
I've been playing thru my Avatar cabs all afternoon one at a time. Both are 4 ohms. It realy sounds good thru either one. Just like my Max 700 I set it up totally flat and used the EQ on my basses. It dials up a nice punchy base tone, a slap tone, mid-heavy but not-so-glassy Jaco tone (I've been learning The Chicken), a low treble blues sound. And with a twist of the drive knob it yields up a grinding hard rock/metal thing. It is pretty sweet and warm. Not as much highs as the Max but still does a great scooped slap just from the guitars. In a band mix I might goose the highs just a bit.

About volume ... I didn't need to worry about that. Thru the 4 ohm B212 I set the Gain and Master both at noon and things were rattling off the mantle over the fireplace and my ears were hurting. It definitely pushes all 350 watts out and does it sweetly. And the thing is so light it's like picking up a shoebox with nothing in it.

Can't wait to push it with a band. I'm kinda impressed so far.

I may not reorder another Elf after all.
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Definitely a smoother, rounder tone than what I usually use. It's a keeper. Been playing all night. Sounds great with the flats on my fretless, too.
Aaaaaand amp fail number 2 in one week.

Came home this afternoon and hit the switch .... nothing. Changed power cables. Changed outlets. Checked breakers. Zilch.

I think I'm just not cut out for class D minis. First the Elf ... now this.

It sure sounded good while it was working though. Much like the Elf did. Awesome ... till it stopped working. :roflmao:
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