Just curious, even if they're a bit more expensive it would be nice to know who is making budget to moderate priced cabs made of plywood.
I had a Avatar 2x10 Neo with a Little Mark II for years and I got nothing but compliments from other Bass Players !correct
I think you're going to find more than you think. I have two of the Hartke Hydrive 112. I think the entire line is made with plywood.
This is great news. I've encountered a lot of MDF in cheaper guitar amps and some bass cabs years ago...
Just curious, even if they're a bit more expensive it would be nice to know who is making budget to moderate priced cabs made of plywood.
Yes, so are Buddhists, Baptists, Muslims, Zorastrians, Hindus, Jews, Agnostics, Catholics, etc.The mormons are making bass cabs?
I'd rather plywood than MDF.
Don't like the idea of solid wood being used, ply is stronger.
Maybe I understood the question wrong, but thought most cabinets made of plywood now, has this changed?
good info. thanks. i had been looking at a few of them to pick up used.Well, IMO they're definitely not "crap", and better than "no good", they just don't tailor make their boxes to every driver, they make a bunch of boxes and give you a few options of speakers of the same size to put into them. People that use the cabinets like them, but it's not the ideal way to go about things - they just mostly happen to cater to guitarists to whom that's perfectly normal behaviour.