There is a joke in my house that Acura spent a lot of money just to sell me another MDX by using Motörhead’s version of Sympathy for the Devil in their commercial. My response is that I know at least one other person - meaning @Killed_by_Death - who might be inspired by that ad.
Well, Talkbass, who else is (re)discovering Lemmy recently? I actually like the version of the song in the ad better than the original (woo woos WAY less shrill). Somehow that has led me to have a better appreciation for Lemmy and his playing now than I ever did in my Ill-advised 80s metalhead phase.
Well, Talkbass, who else is (re)discovering Lemmy recently? I actually like the version of the song in the ad better than the original (woo woos WAY less shrill). Somehow that has led me to have a better appreciation for Lemmy and his playing now than I ever did in my Ill-advised 80s metalhead phase.