Anyone else round off the tip of new picks?


Feb 23, 2011
So I've discovered that I much prefer to play with a pick after the sharp pointy tip has been worn down a little, so now I simulate the wear by sanding the tips of my new picks a bit, first with coarse sandpaper then with fine.

Mind not by much, just getting rid of the sharp pointy tip and slightly rounding it off.

I am curious if anyone else do this?
You could just get rounded triangle picks.
Three equal corners that you can use.
Rounded triangle picks.jpg
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Why not just use the already rounded edge of the pick rather than the pointy side? That is what I use all of the time. It was a great revelation when I turned the pick like that.
That's the charm of a triangle pick.You don't have to pick it up,turn it to the rounded corner and pick.
You have three equal corners.
Pick it up and go.